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## Mr.Nadtanan Praphansiri 5310613194 ##
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## Mr.Samart Pongsawat 5310611271 ##
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Grading: Part 1: 100 palindrome detection should work for simple strings [10 points] should be case-insensitive [10 points] should ignore nonword characters [10 points] word count should return a hash [5 points] works on simple strings [10 points] ignores punctuation [5 points] works on the empty string [10 points] ignores leading whitespace [10 points] ignores embedded whitespace [10 points] anagram grouping for "scream cars for four scar creams" [10 points] sanity checks should work on the empty string [5 points] should return an array of arrays for nonempty string [5 points] Part 2: 100 Dessert cake should have 400 calories [10 points] should be named cake [10 points] should be delicious [10 points] should not be healthy [10 points] apple should be delicious [10 points] should be healthy [10 points] can set calories [10 points] name [10 points] JellyBean when non-licorice should contain 5 calories [5 points] should be named vanilla jelly bean [5 points] should be delicious [5 points] when licorice should not be delicious [5 points] Part 3: 100 RockPaperScissors should raise NoSuchStrategyError if strategy isn't R, P, or S [10 points] game rock breaks scissors [10 points] scissors cut paper [10 points] paper covers rock [10 points] first player wins if both use same strategy [10 points] tournament base case [20 points] recursive case [30 points] Total: 300 Late: 0 day Deduction: 0 Final Score: 300/300