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This package provides functionality to use KeyStore with support of multiple storage engine by implementing DatabaseKeyStoreRepository.

A DB backed Keystore is very useful in a clustered environment which rely on a keystore. Instead of relying on a file based keystore at each node in the cluster that needs to be kept in sync, a central DB based Keystore is useful.


The core package could be installed through maven with


Registring security provider.

To add the provider at runtime use:

import DatabaseKeyStoreProvider;
Security.addProvider(new DatabaseKeyStoreProvider());

The provider can also be configured as part of your environment via static registration by adding an entry to the properties file (found in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/, where $JAVA_HOME is the location of your JDK/JRE distribution). You'll find detailed instructions in the file but basically it comes down to adding a line:


Supported Storage Engine

  • JPA Storage Engine
  • Memory Storage Engine
  • Cache Storage Engine

JPA Storage Engine

Could be installed through


The JPA Storage Engine pass by initialize a DatabaseKeyStoreJpaRepository with a entity manager:

EntityManager em=...
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(DatabaseKeyStoreProvider.KEYSTORE, DatabaseKeyStoreProvider.PROVIDER_NAME);
keystore.load(new DatabaseKeyStoreLoadStoreParameter(new DatabaseKeyStoreJpaRepository(em), new AESGcmCipheringKeyService()));

DataBase schema for HSQLDB

Schema pre prepared for hsqldb database can be created by executing:

create table keyentry(id bigint not null  GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY,alias varchar(255) not null, entry LONGVARCHAR not null,  primary key (id));

DataBase schema for MySQL/MariaDB

Schema pre prepared for hsqldb database can be created by executing:

create table keyentry(
alias varchar(255) not null,
entry LONGTEXT not null

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_alias ON keyentry(alias);

DataBase schema for PostgreSQL

Schema pre prepared for hsqldb database can be created by executing:

create table keyentry(
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
alias varchar(255) not null,
entry TEXT not null

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_alias ON keyentry(alias);

Memory Storage Engine

Could be installed through


It is a simple Map to allow easy mock

Cache Storage Engine

Could be installed through


To achieve good performance it is possible to create a cache around the key storage engine. The current implementation use caffeine to achieve it.

protected DatabaseKeyStoreRepository getDatabaseKeyStore()

        Cache<String, DatabaseKeyStoreEntry> cache = Caffeine.newBuilder()

        return new DatabaseKeyStoreCacheRepository(cache,new DatabaseKeyStoreMemoryRepository());
 KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(DatabaseKeyStoreProvider.KEYSTORE, DatabaseKeyStoreProvider.PROVIDER_NAME);
keystore.load(new DatabaseKeyStoreLoadStoreParameter(getDatabaseKeyStore(), new AESGcmCipheringKeyService()));

Encryption schema

Private keys will be stored according to the implementation of CipheringKeyService which is either currently:

  • noop ciphering engine NoOpCipheringKeyService
  • AES/GCM engine AESGcmCipheringKeyService