Welcome to the official repository for docs.pinata.cloud! Contributions and edits are welcome, please keep the following guidelines in mind:
- Be respectful of other members and the Pinata team
- Refrain from making unhelpful edits (e.g. changing all the single quotes to double quotes, random punctuation, etc.). Contributions must be substantive and help improve the experience of the Pinata user.
- All edits must be submitted as pull requests and reviewed by the maintainers before merging into the main branch.
Install the Mintlify CLI to preview the documentation changes locally. To install, use the following command
npm i -g mintlify
Run the following command at the root of your documentation (where mint.json is)
mintlify dev
Submit a pull request with your changes and one of the Pinata Team maintainers will review and either request more edits or merge it into main.