Why do I need this? By unknown reason, I feel all server-side template engines are somewhat invasive. It looks like an odd language have been invaded HTML space. The only template I feel good about it is AngularJS, but it's all about client-side, not server-side part. If you are a big fan of AngularJS and you want to use AngularJS as a template engine, this node module will do the job.
This template converts the following one time binding expressions on the server-side;
inline expression
e.g.{{ foo }}
e.g.,<div ht-if="foo">..</div>
e.g.,<li ht-repeat="el in list">..</li>
e.g.,<li ht-repeat="(k,v) in list">..</li>
ht-include attribute
e.g.,<div ht-include="'file.html'"></div>
npm install angular-template
var htmlTemplate = require('angular-template');
htmlTemplate('{{foo}}', {foo:'Hello'}); //Hello
// or
var htmlTemplate = require('angular-template');
var path = "emails/template.html";
var options = {prefix:'ng'}; // so that ng-if, ng-repeat, ng-include would work
htmlTemplate(path, {name:'John'}, options);
prefix: <string>, override default ht prefix with anything, typically ng to reuse angular templates
preprocess: <function>, enables you to modify your template before parsing it as HTML. E.g. You can remove some attributes with RegExp
includeDirs: <array of string>, a list of paths where to look for template
cache: <string>, specify cache key to avoid reading files from disk every time
locale: <object> an object compatible with one found in locales/en_US.js
This will convert the angular-like expressions into html.
- Curly braces expression.
Assuming foo has the value of aBc
and the value is 1234
Input | Output
{{foo}} | aBc
{{foo|uppercase}} | ABC
{{foo|lowercase}} | abc
{{foo|json}} | "abc"
{{45.5789 | number:2}} | 45.57
{{5247.28 | currency:undefined:2}} | $5,247
{{1288323623006 | date:'medium' }} | Oct 29, 2010 5:40:23 AM
{{value | limitTo:2 }} | 12
{{value | limitTo:2:1 }} | 23
{{[1, 2, 3, 4] | limitTo:2:2 | json:0 }} | [3,4]
Assuming foo has value true
, and bar has value false
Input | Output
<p ht-if="foo">SHOW</p> | <p>SHOW</p>
<p ht-if="bar">NO SHOW</p> | <p></p>
Assuming foo.html has the following contents <b>{{prop}} is {{value}}</b>
and that prop="number", item = 20
The input and output would like;
Input | Output
<p ht-include="'foo.html'" | <p>
ht-include-context="{value:item}"></p>| <b>number is 20</b>
| </p>
Assuming collection has the value of {a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4, e:5}
Input | Output
<ul> | <ul>
<li ht-repeat="(key, val) in collection"> | <li> a : 1</li>
{{key}} : {{val}} | <li> b : 2</li>
</li> | <li> c : 3</li>
</ul> | <li> d : 4</li>
| <li> e : 5</li>
| </ul>
Assuming collection has the value of [1,2,3,4,5]
Input | Output
<ul> | <ul>
<li ht-repeat="num in collection"> | <li> 1 </li>
{{num}} | <li> 2 </li>
</li> | <li> 3 </li>
</ul> | <li> 4 </li>
| <li> 5 </li>
| </ul>
Assuming collection has the value of [1,2,3,4,5]
Input | Output
<ul> | <ul>
<li ht-repeat="num in collection | limitTo:3:1"> | <li> 2 </li>
{{num}} | <li> 3 </li>
</li> | <li> 4 </li>
</ul> | </ul>
Assuming collection has the value of [1,2,3,4,5]
and filterFn is (v) => v > 1
Input | Output
<ul> | <ul>
<li ht-repeat="num in collection | filter:filterFn "> | <li> 2 </li>
{{num}} | <li> 3 </li>
</li> | <li> 4 </li>
</ul> | <li> 5 </li>
| </ul>
Assuming classes has value foo
, and classes2 has value {baz:true}
Input | Output
<p ht-class="classes">SHOW</p> | <p class="foo">SHOW</p>
<p ht-class="classes2">SHOW</p> | <p class="baz">SHOW</p>
This accepts the same format as ng-class
Assuming content has value <span>YES</span>
, and status has value Done
Input | Output
<p ht-bind="status"></p> | <p>Done</p>
<p ht-bind-html="content">SHOW</p> | <p><span>YES</span></p>
Assuming color has value red
, and styles has value {color:green,'font-size':'12px'}
Input | Output
<p ht-style="styles">SHOW</p> | <p class="color:green;font-size:12px;">SHOW</p>
<p style="font-size:14px" ht-style="{color:color}">SHOW</p>| <p style="font-size:14px;color:red">SHOW</p>
This accepts the same format as ng-style