Tags: PinkDiamond1/BitCrack
Fixed bug where incorrect results would be produced on AMD devices. The problem is in the modular inversion (invModP() function of secp2556k1.cl). There is section that is looped 20 times. Breaking the loop into two loops fixes the issue. The exact cause is still unkown, but it seems to be an issue in AMD's OpenCL compiler, as this does not happen in the Mesa OpenCL compiler, or nVidia's OpenCL compiler.
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/brichard19/BitCrack
Build support for CUDA 8.0 SDK NVIDIA has removed support for 2.x devices in CUDA 9. Adding this in case anyone wants to build for those devices. Will try to keep it somewhat up to date. 1. Install CUDA 8.0 toolkit 2. Replace "9.2" in all .vxcproj files with "8.0" 3. Change all projects to use the VS2014 (v140) toolset
Embed OpenCL code into executable to external files aren't necessary Added 'embedcl' tool which takes a text file and encodes it into a C++ file and can be accessed with provided symbol.