google-services Public
Forked from googlesamples/google-servicesA collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Google APIs for Android and iOS
Objective-C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 21, 2015 -
frontinterior2014 Public
Forked from talitapagani/frontinterior2014FrontInterior's website, a front-end event in countryside of Sao Paulo state, Brazil.
CSS UpdatedAug 25, 2014 -
Hacksby Public
Forked from iafan/HacksbyDescription and unofficial implementation of Furby's audio protocol
Perl MIT License UpdatedJan 26, 2013 -
extjs4-mvc-json-crud-php-mysql Public
Forked from loiane/extjs4-mvc-json-crud-php-mysqlExtJS 4 MVC Example - CRUD Grid with JSON, Ajax, PHP and MySQL
JavaScript UpdatedMay 14, 2012