In order to give interested readers an intuitive understanding of EdgeOptimizer, such as a relative knowledge of the functions of each component, a corresponding introduction is made here according to the location where the modules are placed, with a total of three placement locations, namely cloud, edge, and end. The full code file is divided into three parts, called cloud-system, edge-system, and request-system.
The code runs on Python 3 on Linux (Ubuntu). In order to use EdgeOptimizer, users must install Python3, Docker, K8s (version 1.18.0) and Metrics Server.
- place folder cloud-system on the master node of cloud cluster. Then run
- place folder edge-system on the master node of the first edge cluster. Then run place folder edge-system on the master node of the second edge cluster. Then run
- place folder request-system on the first end device. Then run place folder request-system on the second end device. Then run