VBCC is a cross compiler for the Visual BASIC that supports a substantial subset of the VB5 and VB6 keywords. It is able to correctly parse itself.
The project was started over 20 years ago but the code generator is incomplete. I plan to complete it the compiler, however I likely will change the mid-structures to be compatible with that of the JS Cross Compiler so they can use the same code generators.
The infix to postfix logic is incorrect as at the time of coding this, I came up with my own method - I will modify it later to use the shunting algorithm. Code generators are currently different objects. One for generation of Z80 code and one for generation of Java code.
Parser Language Support:
byte, boolean, integer, long, currency, single, double, string, object
#define <identifer> = <value>
#if <expression> then
#end if
object <identifer>
module <identifer>
end module
dim <identifier> as <datatype>
public <identifier> as <datatype>
private <identifier> as <datatype>
public const <identifer> [as <datatype>] = <value>
[private] const <identifer> [as <datatype>] = <value>
friend function <identifer>([<identifer>...]) as <datatype> note: treated same as public
[public] function <identifer>([<identifer>...]) as <datatype> note: withevents not implemented
private function <identifer>([<identifer>...]) as <datatype> note: withevents not implemented
friend sub <identifer>([<identifier>...]) note: treated same as public
[public] sub <identifer>([<identifier>...]) note: withevents not implemented
private sub <identifer>([<identifier>...]) note: withevents not implemented
[public] type <identifer>
private type <identifer>
#define <identifer> = <value>
#if <expression> then
#end if
dim <identifer> as <datatype>
const <identifier> [as <datatype>] = <value>
end function
exit function
end property
exit property
end sub
exit sub
select case <expression>
case else
case <expression>
end select
while <expression>
for <expression> = <expression> to <expression> [step <step>]
next <identifier>
if <expression> then
elseif <expression> then
end if
#define <identifer> = <value>
#if <expression> then
#end if
end object
dim <identifier> as <datatype>
public <identifier> as <datatype>
private <identifier> as <datatype>
[private] const <identifer> [as <datatype>] = <value>
friend function <identifer>([<identifer>...]) as <datatype> note: treated same as public
[public] function <identifer>([<identifer>...]) as <datatype> note: withevents not implemented
private function <identifer>([<identifer>...]) as <datatype> note: withevents not implemented
[public] property get <identifer>([<identifer>]) as <datatype> note: same as public function
private property get <identifer>([<identifer>]) as <datatype> note: same as private function
[public] property let <identifer>([<identifier>]) note: same as public sub
private property let <identifer>([<identifier>]) note: same as private sub
[public] property set <identifer>([<identifier>]) note: same as public sub
private property set <identifer>([<identifier>]) note: same as private sub
friend sub <identifer>([<identifier>...]) note: treated same as public
[public] sub <identifer>([<identifier>...]) note: withevents not implemented
private sub <identifer>([<identifier>...]) note: withevents not implemented
#define <identifer> = <value>
#if <expression> then
#end if
end type
<identifer> as <datatype>
- Julian