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Framework for generating dynamic UI for master-details CRUD operations
CodeProject Blog:
Programming reference:
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Demo run:
- Download or clone repository https://github.com/euklad/BlogCode/tree/main/DemoSqlForms-story6
- Open DemoSqlForms.sln
- Set DemoSqlForms.App as Stratup Project and run
Another demo with inline edit:
- Clone or download this repository https://github.com/ProCodersPtyLtd/MasterDetailsDataEntry
- Open MasterDetailsDataEntry.sln
- Goto https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/ef6/resources/school-database and create the School database
- Change connection string in MasterDetailsDataEntry.Demo.Database\School\SchoolContext.cs if needed
- Set SqlForms.Demo as StartUp Project
- Run (F5)
- Click on [Department Details] menu
This is another good database to try: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/samples/adventureworks-install-configure?view=sql-server-ver15&tabs=ssms
- Support data services that returns business objects that may differ from EF entities
- UI component to show a list of business objects and context menu
- UI form to entry/edit EF entities
- Platz.ObjectBuilder library to define data services using visual interface
- ObjectBuilder T4 template to generate data services C# code
- SqlForms custom rules to change field properties (hidden, required, read-only, etc.)
- SchemaDesigner prototype, that allows to design database entities and save the schema to json
- T4 template to geneate SchemaDesigner entities and data access layer
- Upgrade ObjectBuilder to support SchemaDesigner entities
- ObjectBuilder Group By queries
- ObjectBuilder Subqueries
- Grid Sorting, Pagination and Filtering
- ObjectBuilder usability
- Seed projects for easy start
- Date, Decimal and Dropdown filters
- T4 templates for SchemaDesigner entities to support Queries with Group By and Subqueries
- Usability and error data recovery for builders and designers
- Bug fixes
- Support documentation
- Tutorials
- Bug fixes
- Forms designer
- No-code full support
- No-code to Low-code converter
- Improve page navigation (links {0}{1}) dev experience
- ObjectBuiler Select functions (not Group By)
- ObjectBuilder T4 template to generate business object CRUD operations' C# code
- ObjectBuilder definition of business object - entity mappings and CRUD operations
- UI SQL forms to entry/edit business objects
- Support of Postgres
- Form designer
- Work Flow engine
- Work Flow designer
- Full no-code infrastructure
- No-code cloud solution