This is an app for OS X that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device.
Extends fastlane versioning actions. Allows to set/get versions without using agvtool and do some other small tricks.
☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
PropertyManX / iOS-Weekly
Forked from SwiftOldDriver/iOS-Weekly🇨🇳 老司机技术 iOS 周报
一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+
An non-invasive iOS framework for quickly adapting Right-To-Left style UI
⭐ Linux / Windows / macOS 跨平台 V2Ray 客户端 | 支持 VMess / VLESS / SSR / Trojan / Trojan-Go / NaiveProxy / HTTP / HTTPS / SOCKS5 | 使用 C++ / Qt 开发 | 可拓展插件式设计 ⭐
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
Find memory leaks in your iOS app at develop time.
a iOS network debug library, monitor HTTP requests
Template auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating