- a) Java version 11 jdk is installed
- b) Maven is installed
- c) Spring Boot version: 2.7.15
- d) Spring Cloud version: 2021.0.5
- e) Zipkin: 2.23.0
a) Spring Cloud Eureka: Eureka folder
- i. Start: go to Eureka folder, run “mvn spring-boot:run”
- ii. It is to start Spring Cloud Eureka server first for services to do the registration and founding.
- iii. Eureka console: http://localhost:8761
b) Spring Cloud Config: Config folder
- i. Start: go to Config folder, run “mvn spring-boot:run”
- ii. It is to start Spring Cloud Config server first for services. Product, user and order services config files are in this server, and they are depending on this service.
- iii. Config uri: http://localhost:8088
c) Start Zipkin server:
- i. This is to start Zipkin server. Product, user and order services accessing traces will be collected to it.
- ii. Use docker to pull and run zipkin
- docker pull openzipkin/zipkin:2.23.0
- docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin:2.23.0
- iii. Zipkin console: http://localhost:9411
d) Product service: product-service folder
- i. Start: go to product-service folder, run “mvn spring-boot:run”
- ii. Port: 8082
e) User service: user-service folder
- i. Start: go to user-service folder, run “mvn spring-boot:run”
- ii. Port: 8081
f) Order service: order-service folder
- i. Start: go to order -service folder, run “mvn spring-boot:run”
- ii. Port: 8083
g) Spring Cloud Gateway: Gateway folder
- i. Start: go to Gateway folder, run “mvn spring-boot:run”
- ii. It is to start Spring Cloud Gateway server. Those 3 functional services can be all accessed with 8080 port after this.
h) Integration test: integration-test folder
- i. Start: go to integration-test folder, run “mvn test” after all services are running.
a) Load Balancing: Spring Cloud LoadBalancer
- i. Introduced in order-service pom.xml
- ii. The annotation is in AppConfig.java
- iii. The configuration is in order-service.properties on Spring Cloud Config server.
b) Circuit Breaker: Resilience4j
- i. Introduced in order-service pom.xml
- ii. The @CircuitBreaker annotation is on order-service OrderService.java validateUser, validateProduct, reduceInventory and increaseInventory methods.
- iii. The configurations are in order-service.properties on Spring Cloud Config server.
c) Logging and Monitoring: Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin
- i. They are introduced in product-service, user-service and order-service for accessing trace collection.
d) Database Integration: H2 in-memory database
a) Product-service:
i. Get all products: GET http://localhost:8082/api/product
- Success response is 200 with a list of all products
ii. Get one product: GET http://localhost:8082/api/product/{id}
- Success response is 200 with the product
- If not found, 404 is returned.
iii. Create a product: POST http://localhost:8082/api/product/
- Sample body: {"name": "Chair","price": 64.53, "inventory": 15}
- Success response is 200 with the product data
iv. Delete a product: DELETE http://localhost:8082/api/product/{id}
- The id will be checked if it is used in any order from order-service.
- If exists, response is 400 with error message "Product cannot be deleted as it is associated with an order"
- Success response is 204 without content
v. Update a product: PUT http://localhost:8082/api/product/{id}
- Sample body: {"name": "Chair","price": 64.53, "inventory": 15}
- If not found, 404 is returned.
- Success response is 200 with product data
vi. Reduce Inventory:
- Sample body: 5
- If the inventory will be negative, the action will fail, and the response is 409 with error message: “Insufficient inventory for product ID: 1”.
- Success response is 200 with message: “Inventory reduced successfully”.
- TODO: check body number must be positive integer
vii. Increase Inventory:
- Sample body: 5
- Success response is 200 with message: “Inventory increased successfully”.
- TODO: check body number must be positive integer
b) User-service
i. Get all users: GET http://localhost:8081/api/user
- Success response is 200 with a list of all users
ii. Get one user: GET http://localhost:8081/api/user/{id}
- Success response is 200 with the user
- If not found, 404 is returned.
iii. Create a user: POST http://localhost:8081/api/user/
- Sample body: {"username":"admin3","password": "admin","role": "ADMIN"}
- Success response is 200 with the product data
- If the username is duplicated, 500 will be returned.
- TODO: if the username is duplicated, return a specific error message.
iv. TODO: Delete a user: DELETE http://localhost:8081/api/user/{id}
- TODO: It is not implemented in controller for integrity with order. And the plan is to implement the similar mechanism with product-service.
- The id will be checked if it is used in any order from order-service.
- If exists, response is 400 with error message "User cannot be deleted as it is associated with an order"
- Success response is 204 without content
v. Update a user: PUT http://localhost:8081/api/user/{id}
- Sample body: {"username":"admin3","password": "admin","role": "ADMIN"}
- If not found, 404 is returned.
- Success response is 200 with product data
- If the username is duplicated, 500 will be returned.
- TODO: if the username is duplicated, return a specific error message.
vi. Login: POST http://localhost:8081/api/user/
- Sample body: {"username":"admin","password": "admin"}
- If valid, 401 is returned.
- Success response is 200 with user data
- TODO: password compare need to use encrypt/hash way as follow
- TODO: Handle user role in all service calls. It is processed in demo-app
vii. TODO: encrypted/hashed password saving.
- This needs to be done with the official authentication together. The authentication verify needs to use the same encryption/hashing method.
- Or the user service just stores user information, like email, address…etc. The authentication and password can be dedicated to an authentication service.
- The role can be used for authorization, like if the authenticated user can call the manage end points, like update product, update user….etc
c) Order-service
i. Get all orders: GET http://localhost:8083/api/order/
- Success response is 200 with the orders
ii. Get one order: GET http://localhost:8083/api/order/{id}
- Success response is 200 with the order
- If not found, 404 is returned.
iii. Create an order: POST http://localhost:8083/api/order
- Sample data: {"userId": 1, "productId": 1, "quantity": 2}
- Success response is 200 with the order. Default status is PENDING
- The product-service reduceInventory will be called before creation and the 2 actions are in one transaction.
iv. Check productid:
- If order with the productId exists, return true
- If no order with the productId, return false
- This will be called in product-service delete-product end point.
v. Update order status: PUT http://localhost:8083/api/order/{id}/status
- If the order is not found return 404 with message "Order not found with id {id}"
- If body is not valid, return 400 with message: "Invalid order status: {body}"
- If the order status is not CANCELLED and changed to CANCELLED, call product-service increaseInventory. The 2 actions are in one transaction.
- TODO: if the order status is COMPLETED, the status should not be updated, and specific error message should be returned. This is done in demo-app
vi. TODO: Get orders for a user GET http://localhost:8083/api/order/user/{userid}
- Success response is 200 with a list of orders
- a) Unit tests are created for services and controllers
- b) Integration test is in integration-test project
- c) Spring Cloud Contract tests are created in product-service, and stub run in order-service.
- i. Generate and install contract stub in product-service: “mvn clean install”
- ii. The stub runner, ProductClientTest.java, in order-service will be run with unit tests together.
- d) Test reports: test-reports folder
- i. com.example.integrationtests.OrderIntegrationTest: Integration test
- ii. com.example.orderservice.ProductClientTest: Contract stub runner
- iii. com.example.orderservice.controller.OrderControllerTest: Order-service controller unit tests
- iv. com.example.orderservice.service.OrderServiceTest: Order-service service unit tests
- v. com.example.productservice.ContractVerifierTest: Auto-generated contract tests for product-service
- vi. com.example.productservice.controller.ProductControllerTest: Product-service controller unit tests
- vii. com.example.productservice.service.ProductServiceIntegrationTest: Product-service service unit tests
- viii. com.example.userservice.controller.UserControllerTest.txt: User-service controller unit tests
- ix. com.example.userservice.service.UserServiceTest.txt: User-service service unit tests
a) In folder demo-app
b) Launch:
- i. Go into demo-app folder
- ii. npm install
- iii. npm start
- iv. Url: http://localhost:3000/
c) Functions:
- i. Login with ADMIN role user will show All List
- ii. Login with other role users will not show All List
- iii. Logout
- iv. Product create, edit, delete(will fail if is used in orders)
- TODO: The inventory can be negative, need to validate
- v. User create, edit
- vi. Order create, cancel, complete
- Create may fail if user or product does not exit
- Create may fail if inventory is not enough
- Create an order, the product inventory will be changed
- Create an order with negative quantity will fail
- Cancel an order the product inventory will be changed
- a) Tomcat v10 may have issues on mac silicon chip desktop. Rest service always returns 404. Spring boot 3.x is based on tomcat v10. So Spring boot 2.7.15 is used.
- b) Java version higher than 11 does not work with Spring Cloud Contract 3.1.5. Spring Cloud Contract 3.1.5 is compatible with Spring Boot 2.7.15 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.5.
- c) Ribbon seems not working with Spring Boot 2.7.15 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.5, use Spring Cloud LoadBalancer instead.