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AGOpenGPS Autosteer - ESP32 PlatformIO Project

This repository contains a project for implementing AGOpenGPS Autosteer functionality using an ESP32 microcontroller, built and managed using PlatformIO. The goal is to integrate AGOpenGPS software with an ESP32 board for autonomous steering in agricultural equipment, enabling precise control of tractors or other vehicles.

The project leverages the ESP32's capabilities, such as Wi-Fi, SPI, Serial, I2C and I/O control, to interface with AGOpenGPS and automate steering systems.


  • AGOpenGPS integration for precision steering
  • ESP32 microcontroller with Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Real-time communication with AGOpenGPS for steering data and commands
  • Support for various sensors and actuators for controlling the steering system
  • Built and managed using PlatformIO for easy deployment and configuration


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • ESP32 Development Board (such as ESP32 DevKitC or any other supported variant)
  • PlatformIO IDE (recommended) or PlatformIO Core (CLI)
  • Basic knowledge of AGOpenGPS and its requirements for autosteer operation
  • Necessary hardware components (e.g., steering motor controller, GPS, sensors)


1. Install PlatformIO

You will need PlatformIO to manage the build system and upload the code to the ESP32. You can install PlatformIO in two ways:

  • VS Code (Recommended):

    1. Install VS Code (if not already installed).
    2. Open VS Code, go to the Extensions tab, search for PlatformIO IDE, and click Install.
  • PlatformIO Core (CLI): Install PlatformIO Core using the following command:

    pip install platformio

2. Clone the Repository

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd agopengps-autosteer-esp32

3. Install Dependencies

PlatformIO will automatically install required libraries and toolchains, but you can manually trigger the installation by running:

platformio lib install

4. Configure the platformio.ini

Ensure your ESP32 board and settings are correctly configured. Open the platformio.ini file and select the correct board for your project:

platform = espressif32
board = esp32-devkitc
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200

Change the board setting if you are using a different ESP32 model. You can find all available boards on PlatformIO's boards registry.

5. Upload the Code

Once you’ve configured the project, compile and upload the code to your ESP32:

  • Using PlatformIO IDE:

    • Press the Build button (check mark icon) to compile the project.
    • Press the Upload button (arrow icon) to upload the firmware to the ESP32.
  • Using PlatformIO CLI:

    • Build the project:
      platformio run
    • Upload the firmware:
      platformio run --target upload

6. Monitor Serial Output

To monitor the serial output (e.g., for debugging or logging), you can use the Serial Monitor:

  • Using PlatformIO IDE:

    • Press the Serial Monitor button (plug icon).
  • Using PlatformIO CLI:

    • Open the serial monitor with the following command:
      platformio device monitor

Project Structure

├── include/               # Header files
├── lib/                   # Libraries
├── src/                   # Source files
│   ├── main.cpp           # Main program entry point for AGOpenGPS autosteer functionality
├── platformio.ini         # PlatformIO configuration file
└──              # Project documentation (this file)


Tasks trigger/interval priority purpose
autosteerTask AUTOSTEER_INTERVAL (default 100ms) 3 Handles everything steeringmotor/hydraulic related things
gnssreceiveTask trigger on new data from gnss board 3 Handles communication from gps board
gnssSendTask proxies ntrip data to gnss 3 proxies ntrip data to gnss
imuTask triggers on new data from IMU board 3 handles communication from IMU board
inputTask LOOP_TIME(default 20ms) 3 Reads switch states(steer and work switch etc.) and analog sensors(WAS for now)
uartEventTask trigger on new data from UART 3 Handles UART(Serial) communication
PGNCMSendTask/PGNCMRevTask trigger when new message added to queue 3 Handles PGN routing
UDPSendTask trigger when new message added to queue 3 Handles UDP messages
WifiManager WIFIMANAGER_INTERVAL (default 50ms) 3 Handles wifi connection/webserver


  • Board not detected: Ensure your ESP32 is correctly connected to your computer and that you've selected the correct port in PlatformIO or the platformio.ini file.

  • Build errors: Make sure you have all the required libraries installed for handling GPS, motor control, and communication with AGOpenGPS. You can add any missing libraries via PlatformIO.

  • Upload issues: If you encounter upload issues, try manually pressing the boot button on the ESP32 during the upload process to put it into bootloader mode.

  • Serial Output: If no serial output appears, check the serial baud rate and ensure that the correct COM port is selected in the serial monitor.

Additional Resources


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.

using these submodules that you can find in the lib folder:








Esp32 based autosteer for AgOpenGPS







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