- Pro
Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
OpenTenBase is an enterprise-level distributed HTAP open source database.
The dataset for drone based detection and tracking is released, including both image/video, and annotations.
[EMNLP 2022] An Open Toolkit for Knowledge Graph Extraction and Construction
QWQyyy / KnowledgeGraph-based-on-Raw-text-A27
Forked from littlewwwhite/KnowledgeGraph-based-on-Raw-text-A27基于大模型+知识图谱的知识库问答
A tutorial and implement of disease centered Medical knowledge graph and qa system based on it。知识图谱构建,自动问答,基于kg的自动问答。以疾病为中心的一定规模医药领域知识图谱,并以该知识图谱完成自动问答与分析服务。
Automatic Ontology and Knowledge Graph construction with LLM
李白 👤 作为唐代杰出诗人,其诗歌作品在中国文学史上具有重要地位。近年来,随着数字技术和人工智能的快速发展,传统文化普及推广的形式也面临着创新与变革。国内外对于李白诗歌的研究虽已相当深入,但在数字化、智能化普及方面仍存在不足。因此,本项目旨在通过构建李白知识图谱,结合大模型训练出专业的AI智能体,以生成式对话应用的形式,推动李白文化的普及与推广。
good-ncu / TC-Compare
Forked from Jangbao/TC-ComparePerformance comparison of triangle counting algorithms on GPU
QWQyyy / AzurePublicDataset
Forked from Azure/AzurePublicDatasetMicrosoft Azure Traces
An open-source PAM tool alternative to CyberArk. 广受欢迎的开源堡垒机。
FaaSFlow: Enable Efficient Workflow Execution for Function-as-a-Service
QWQyyy / aquatope
Forked from zzhou612/aquatopeAQUATOPE: QoS-and-Uncertainty-Aware Resource Management for Multi-Stage Serverless Workflows (ASPLOS'23)
AQUATOPE: QoS-and-Uncertainty-Aware Resource Management for Multi-Stage Serverless Workflows (ASPLOS'23)
IronFunctions - the serverless microservices platform by
Integrated Training Platform (ITP) traces used in ElasticFlow paper.