[Support 0.47.x](Reset Cursor AI MachineID & Auto Sign Up / In)自动注册 Cursor Ai ,自动重置机器ID , 免费升级使用Pro功能: You've reached your trial request limit. / Too many free trial accounts used on this machine. …
一键修改cursor 设备ID,解除设备锁定状态,为什么会有这个工具。。。因为我的设备被锁了。。。。
A code driven low-code builder, develop low-code app on your codebase.
A cross-platform and extendable version manager with support for Java, Node.js, Flutter, .Net & more
PulsarRPA Pro Edition: Empower Your Workflows with AI-Driven Web Data Extraction.
Automate webpages at scale, scrape web data completely and accurately with high performance, distributed AI-RPA.
高度可配置化的企业管理系统!企业内部可免费使用!零代码/低代码快速搭建企业中台、CRM客户关系管理、WMS库存管理、TMS运输管理、SCM供应链管理、MES/MOM,甚至是 ERP 企业资源计划!
A simple Python Pydantic model for Honkai: Star Rail parsed data from the Mihomo API.
ChatGPT Plus 共享方案。ChatGPT Plus / OpenAI API sharing solution.
🍀 基于微信小程序的招聘信息分享平台的设计与实现 - 小程序端,使用美团小程序框架mpvue+有赞UI组件库Vant+蚂蚁金服数据可视化方案AntV等。后端基于Spring Boot+MyBatis+Redis+Mysql。部署安装教程点击
A backend management system based on vue3, typescript, element-plus, and vite
A BPMN 2.0 rendering toolkit and web modeler.
🔥 官方推荐 🔥 RuoYi-Vue 全新 Pro 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 微信小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、数据权限、SaaS 多租户、Flowable 工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城、CRM、ERP、AI 大模型等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力!
A compact and highly efficient workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) platform for developers, system admins and business users.
Rill Flow is a high-performance, scalable workflow orchestration engine for distributed workloads and LLMs
A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
🎉vue搭建移动端开发,基于vue-cli4.0+webpack 4+vant ui + sass+ rem适配方案+axios封装,构建手机端模板脚手架
快图设计-基于fabric.js和Vue的开源图片编辑器,可自定义字体、素材、设计模板。fabric.js and Vue based image editor, can customize fonts, materials, design templates.
✨ Light and Fast AI Assistant. Support: Web | iOS | MacOS | Android | Linux | Windows
🌱 A ready-to-use mobile project base template built with the Vue3, Vant, and Vite. | 基于 Vue3、Vite5、TypeScript/JavaScript、Tailwindcss、Vant4,开箱即用的移动端项目基础模板
OpenProject is the leading open source project management software.
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