Segmentation Demo Result:
│ ├─ColorNormalization
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│ ├─DataAugmentation
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│ └─DataProcess
The birth of this project is inseparable from the following projects:
Pytorch-UNet:PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images
PaddleSeg: PaddleSeg是基于PaddlePaddle开发的端到端图像分割开发套件,覆盖了DeepLabv3+, U-Net, ICNet, PSPNet, HRNet, Fast-SCNN等主流分割网络。通过模块化的设计,以配置化方式驱动模型组合,帮助开发者更便捷地完成从训练到部署的全流程图像分割应用。
VisualDL: VisualDL是飞桨可视化分析工具,以丰富的图表呈现训练参数变化趋势、模型结构、数据样本、高维数据分布等。可帮助用户更清晰直观地理解深度学习模型训练过程及模型结构,进而实现高效的模型优化。
Fast_WSI_Color_Norm: Codes for Fast GPU-Enabled Color Normalization of Whole Slide Images in Digital Pathology
ASAP: ASAP is an open source platform for visualizing, annotating and automatically analyzing whole-slide histopathology images.