OpenGL abstraction inspired by but in Zig.
Example repository in currently being worked on.
One of the goals of the library would be to provided what I would called TypedPipeline: This would take the form of:
In your build.zig file:
// In build.zig:
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
const shaderReflectionTool = AntleneOpenGL.buildShaderReflectionTool(b, opengl_loader);
const reflect_shader_cmd = b.addRunArtifact(shaderReflectionTool);
const args: [_][_]u8 = .{
const run_shader_reflection_step = b.step("run shader reflection", "Run the app");
// Generated output.zig file:
pub const Shader = struct {
pub const SourceFiles: []ShaderSourceFile = &.{
.{ .stage = .Vertex, .path = "shader.vert" },
.{ .stage = .Fragment, .path = "shader.frag" },
pub const Input = struct {
pub const Position : ShaderInput = .{
.stage = .Vertex,
.location = 0,
.type = @Vector(3, f32),
pub const Output = struct {
pub const vPosition = struct {
.stage = .Vertex,
.location = 0,
.type = @Vector(3, f32),
pub const fColor = struct {
.stage = .Fragment,
.location = 0,
.type = @Vector(4, f32),
pub const ShaderStorageBufferObject = struct {
pub const MeshData = struct {
.binding = 0,
pub const UniformBuffer = struct {
pub const Sampler = struct {
pub const Diffuse = struct {
.binding = 0,
// In your application
const Context = @import("AntleneOpenGL");
const pipeline = Context.Resources.CreatePipelineFromReflected(.{
.reflectedType = Output.Shader,
... // Standard Pipeline parameters (depth testing, culling, ...)
}); // We can automaticaly generated the appropriate VertexArray from the reflected type and do some fancy debug stuff using this information at runtime.
pub const Pass = struct {
pipeline: Context.GraphicPipeline,
diffuse: Context.Texture,
specular: Context.Texture,
meshData: Context.Buffer,
pub fn execute(pass: Pass) !void {
Context.Commands.BindTextureFromReflected(Output.Shader, .Diffuse, pass.diffuse); // Will bind diffuse to binding point 0
Context.Commands.BindTextureFromReflected(Output.Shader, .Specular, pass.specular); // Won't compile since Specular wasn't found in shader
Context.Commands.BindShaderStorageBufferFromReflected(Output.Shader, .MeshData, pass.meshData)
For current use see here