Change task status by one click.
Highly inspired by Highlightr-plugin AND Format-Key-Plugin.
Icons are from ITS theme, Iconfont, Awesome font.
If you want to try the pre-release, please install the css snippet from SIRvb: S-Checkboxes
- Enable this plugin
- Right click on the text
- Select task changer AND Click
- Choose a task status you like
Copy Quorafind/Obsidian-Task-Changer
to install pre-release.
Download the latest release. Extract and put the three files (main.js, manifest.json, styles.css) to folder {{obsidian_vault}}/.obsidian/plugins/Obsidian-Task-Changer
- Number list is not yet supported.
- Self config(like remove or add or DND) is not yet supported.
- Live Preview Mode is not yet supported.
- Keyboard is not yet supported(but support hotkey).
- Limited to a few specific themes.
v0.0.1 code is highly based on Highlightr-plugin AND Format-Key-Plugin, so please say thanks to them.
If you are enjoying new version of Task Changer then please support my work and enthusiasm by buying me a coffee on