cloud9-init-script Public
This script helps quickly setup an AWS Cloud9 instance. Takes care of auto-shutdown, installing conda and resizing the disk.
cpython Public
Forked from python/cpythonThe Python programming language
Python Other UpdatedJun 7, 2020 -
fastapi Public
Forked from fastapi/fastapiFastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 30, 2020 -
Visualisation tool for a GRU network created using
INFOH410-Prep Public
Forked from charleshamesse/INFOH410-PrepWhat you need to know to pass INFOH410 - Techniques of Artificial Intelligence
TeX UpdatedJun 4, 2016 -
libgdx Public
Forked from libgdx/libgdxDesktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 17, 2015 -
moviepy Public
Forked from Zulko/moviepyVideo editing with Python
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2021 -
mumble Public
Forked from mumble-voip/mumbleMumble VoIP Client/Server
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 12, 2015 -
pandas Public
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 28, 2024 -
sequence-based-recommendations Public
Forked from rdevooght/sequence-based-recommendationsPython UpdatedNov 1, 2016 -
tasktorrent Public
Forked from leopoldcambier/tasktorrentA fast shared & distributed memory task-based runtime in C++
C++ MIT License UpdatedMay 22, 2020 -
vue-beautiful-chat Public
Forked from mattmezza/vue-beautiful-chatA simple and beautiful Vue chat component backend agnostic, fully customisable and extendable.
Vue MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2020 -
yappi Public
Forked from sumerc/yappiYet Another Python Profiler, but this time thread&coroutine&greenlet aware.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 27, 2020