Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Pro
A simple Shopping Mall Website written in SpringBoot and Vue. It also contains Collaborative Filtering(CF) algorithm.
2D-Unity-Game-Demo Public
A 2D game demo that is created to practice the use of Unity engine.
MineSweeper-Game-By-easyX Public
A minesweeper game that made by easyX, written in C language.
Ruby-s-Adventure-Unity-Demo Public
This is the demo of learning unity engine.
This is a software that could find the least transfer way or the minimum time way of the Beijing Subway system for user.
This is an interpreter for the basic 2-5-1 chord progression, which can be used to view the basic 2-5-1 chords in 24 keys, and to generate corresponding .xml and .mid files. It also allows the opt…