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composer create-project rduuke/newbie
Configuration Files:

The file config\Config.php data from the database is added and define the two global routes BASE_URL and BASE_PUBLIC.

define('BASE_URL', '');
define('BASE_PUBLIC', '');

Directory Structure:

├── bootstrap
├── config
├── public
├── resource
    ├── views
        ├── layout
├── src
    ├── Contracts
    ├── Controllers 
    ├── Models
    ├── Tools
├── vendor

The HTTP Layer


Basic Routing:

The most basic Newbie routes simply accept a URI and a Closure, providing a very simple and expressive method of defining routes:

    $app->get('/', function(Request $request, Response $response){
        $response->getBody()->write("Hello Word');
        return $reponse;

All Newbie routes are defined in your route files src/routes.php. Available Router Methods: The router allows you to register routes that respond to any HTTP verb:

    $app->get($uri, $callback);
    $app->post($uri, $callback);
    $app->put($uri, $callback);
    $app->delete($uri, $callback);
    $app->patch($uri, $callback);
    $app->options($uri, $callback);
    $app->head($uri, $callback);

Route Parameters

Required Parameters:

Of course, sometimes you will need to capture segments of the URI within your route. For example, you may need to capture a user's ID from the URL. You may do so by defining route parameters:

    $app->get('/users/{id}', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
        $id = $request->getAttribute('id');
        return $id;
Optional Parameters:

Occasionally you may need to specify a route parameter, but make the presence of that route parameter optional. You may do so by placing []; Make sure to give the route's corresponding variable a default value:

     $app->get('/users[/{id}]', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
        $id = $request->getAttribute('id');
        return $id;
Route Groups

Route groups allow you to share route attributes , across a large number of routes without Needing to define Those attributes on each single route . Shared attributes are specified in an array format as the first parameter.

    $app->group('/users', function () use ($app) {
        $this->get('', function ()); 
        $this->get('/create', function()); 
Route Controller:
    $app->group('/users', function () use ($app) {
        $controller = new RDuuke\Newbie\Controllers\UsersController($app);
        $this->get('', $controller('index'));
        $this->get('/create', $controller('create'));
    // index routes (homepage, about, etc)
    $app->group('', function () use ($app) {
        $controller = new App\Controller\IndexController($app);
        $this->get('/', $controller('index'));
        $this->get('/contact', $controller('contact'));


Defining Controllers:

Below is an example of a basic controller class. Note that the controller extends the Controller class included with Newbie(Slim3/Controllers). The Controller class provides a few convenience,

    namespace RDuuke\Newbie\Controllers;
    use MartynBiz\Slim3Controller\Controller;
    use RDuuke\Newbie\Models\Users;
    class UsersController extends Controller
        * Edit method, receives numeric parameter.
        * @param $id int
        public function edit($id)
            $user = Users::find($id);

            return view('users/edit', compact('user'));
Resource Controllers:

To use your controller REST structure , you must implement the interface ResourceController Methods:

  • index
  • show($id)
  • create()
  • store()
  • edit($id)
  • update($id)
  • destroy($id)
    namespace RDuuke\Newbie\Controllers;
    use MartynBiz\Slim3Controller\Controller;
    use RDuuke\Newbie\Models\Users;
    use RDuuke\Newbie\Contracts\Controller\ResourceController;
    class UsersController extends Controller implements ResourceController
        * Edit method, receives numeric parameter.
        * @param $id int
        public function edit($id)
            $user = Users::find($id);

            return view('users/edit', compact('user'));


Query Builder:

Capsule importing the class, we can use the query builder.

    $users = Capsule::table('users')->where('votes', '>', 100)->get();

Other core methods May be Directly accessed from the Capsule in the same manner as from the DB facade :

    $results = Capsule::select('select * from users where id = ?', array(1));
Using The Eloquent ORM:
    class User extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {}
    $users = User::where('votes', '>', 1)->get();

For further documentation on using the various database facilities this library provides, consult the Laravel framework documentation.


Creating Views:

Views contain the HTML served by your application and separate your controller / application logic from your presentation logic. Views are stored in the resources/views directory. A simple view might look something like this:

    <!-- view in resource/views/testing.tpl.php -->
            <?= $this->e($title) ?>

Since this view is stored at resources/views/testing.tpl.php, we may return it using the global view helper like so:

    public function Index()
        $title = 'Newbie Framework';

        return view('testing', compact('title'));
Creating a Layouts:

To save the Repeated many times the same blocks of code in the views can be generated layout , These will be stored in the directory resource/view/layout, A single Layout Might look something like this :

    <!-- layout in resource/views/layout/template.tpl.php -->

Using the design in view blog.tpl.php

    <!-- view in resource/views/blog.tpl.php -->
    <?php $this->layout('layout/template') ?>


They are in the src/Tools/Helpers.php file in this file can modify or add new helpers.


Receives as a string with the path to the redirection.

    return redirect('users'); 

Receives as a parameter the path where is the css public/css/template.css file, only use in the view or layout.

         <?php style('css/template.css'); ?>
         <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> -->

Receives as a parameter the path where is the js public/js/template.js file, only use in the view or layout.

         <?php script('css/template.js'); ?>
         <!--  <script src=""></script>-->

Get two obligatory and 2 optional parameters , are mandatory and the url link name , the two are optional data url html tag and attributes , just use viees recommended or layout. Example:

    <!-- $id = 1 -->
    <?= route('users/', 'Edit', $user->id, ['class' => 'btn']) ?>
    <a href="" class="btn" >Edit</a>

It takes two obligatory parameters and one optional , is used to generate alerts flash. Type: Edit public/css/template.css

  • news #01579b
  • warning #ff6f00
  • success #004d40
  • danger #b71c1c
    public function index()
        newFlashMessage('test', 'test', 'warning');
        return view('users\home');

which asks whether there is a warning flash with that message. returns true if otherwise false.

    <h3 class="thin">Welcome to Users!!!</h3>
    <?php if (getFlashMessage('test')): ?>
        <!-- more code -->
    <?php endif ?>

which is the name of the alert to show, style alerts are the chips materialize.

    <h3 class="thin">Welcome to Users!!!</h3>
    <?php printFlashMessage('test'); ?>
        <div class='chip warning'>Test
            <i class='material-icons'>close</i>

Adds an item to a key value array.

    $array = ['uno' => 1 ];
    $array = arrayAdd($array, 'dos', 2);
    //['uno' => 1, 'dos' => 2];

He gets the first element of an array

    $array = ['uno' => 1, 'dos' => 2];
    $first = arrayFirst($array);

Gets the last element of an array.

    $array = ['uno' => 1, 'dos' => 2]
    $last = arrayLast($array);

Transforms an array to json.

    $array = ['uno' => 1, 'dos' => 2];
    $json = arrayJson($array);
    //[{'uno':1,'dos': 2}];

Transforms a json to an object.

    $json = [{'uno':1,'dos': 2}];
    $object = jsonObject($json);
    //stdClass Object( [uno] => 1 [dos] => 2 ); $object->uno; 1

Transforms a json to an array.

    $json = [{'uno':1,'dos': 2}];
    $array = jsonObject($json);
    //array( [uno] => 1 [dos] => 2 ); $array['uno']; 1

It limits the number of carateres containing a string, for default is 10.

    $str = 'abc def ghi';
    $strLimit = strLimit(5);
    //$strLimit = 'abc d...';

Generates a random string of characters , according to the assigned limit, for default is 10.

    $strLimit = strRandom(15);
    //$strLimit = 'asbh123opkaas6x';


Any suggestions or concerns can do in [email protected] ó @RDuuke