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Module for receiving and sending ETSI V2X over AMQP

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This project uses the V2X library Vanetza to provide a REST API service that can send DENM (Decentralized Environmental Notification Message) messages over AMQP to a NordicWay Interchange broker.

Dev container

This project is setup to use a dev container. To use the dev container you will need to have Docker installed on your machine and preferably Visual Studio Code or a derivative.

To use the dev container

  1. Fetch the submodules "$ git submodule update --init --recursive"
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio Code
  3. Install the Remote - Containers extension
  4. You should be promted to reopen the project in a container. If not, you can open the command palette and search for "Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container"

Build native application (in the dev container)

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && cmake --build .

Run the service

$ ./AZ-V2X --help  # Show available options
$ ./AZ-V2X -c ../ssl-certs -l debug -u <COMMON_NAME> --amqp-url=amqps:// --amqp-send=del-da0c2e16-1354-4a6c-bce6-654654665129 --amqp-receive=loc-1d23349e-c70e-4d73-b5fd-f654654654657

Build docker image (on your local machine)

$ docker build --network=host -t az-v2x -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile .

Run docker image

$ docker run --network=host \
  -v $(pwd)/ssl-certs:/workspace/ssl-certs \
  -e CERT_DIR=/workspace/ssl-certs \
  -e AMQP_URL=amqps:// \
  -e AMQP_SEND=del-123123 \
  -e AMQP_RECEIVE=loc-123123 \
  -e LOG_LEVEL=debug \

SSL certificates

The application requires SSL certificates to be present in the directory specified by the -c flag (or CERT_DIR environment variable). The files must match:

  • '<COMMON_NAME>.key'
  • '<COMMON_NAME>.crt'
  • 'truststore.pem'

If connecting to, you can get the certificates from Just rename the files to match the above requirements.

Command line options (Can also be set via environment variables):

Option Environment Variable Description Example
--help, -h - Show help message -
--cert-dir, -c CERT_DIR Directory containing SSL certificates "ssl-certs/"
--log-level, -l LOG_LEVEL Logging level (debug, info, warn, error) "info"
--username, -u USERNAME Organization/User name "Astazero"
--amqp-url AMQP_URL AMQP(S) broker URL "amqp://localhost:5672"
--amqp-send AMQP_SEND AMQP send address "del-123123"
--amqp-receive AMQP_RECEIVE AMQP receive address "loc-123123"
--http-host HTTP_HOST HTTP server host ""
--http-port HTTP_PORT HTTP server port 8080
--ws-port WS_PORT WebSocket server port 8081

Environment variables can be used when running the service, for example:


The service provides a REST API for sending DENM messages to the AMQP broker. The API documentation is available through Swagger UI at http://localhost:8080/api-docs when the service is running.

Send a DENM message

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/denm \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "publisherId": "SE12345",
  "publicationId": "SE12345:DENM-TEST",
  "originatingCountry": "SE",
  "protocolVersion": "DENM:1.3.1",
  "messageType": "DENM",
  "longitude": 12.770160,
  "latitude": 57.772987,
  "shardId": 1,
  "shardCount": 1,
  "data": {
    "header": {
      "protocolVersion": 2,
      "messageId": 1,
      "stationId": 1234567
    "management": {
      "actionId": 20,
      "detectionTime": "2025-03-03T16:30:00",
      "referenceTime": "2025-03-03T16:30:00",
      "stationType": 3,
      "eventPosition": {
        "latitude": 57.772987,
        "longitude": 12.770160,
        "altitude": 190.0
    "situation": {
      "informationQuality": 1,
      "causeCode": 2,
      "subCauseCode": 0

Required fields:

Header/Application properties:

  • publisherId: Publisher identifier (string)
  • publicationId: Publication identifier (string)
  • originatingCountry: Two-letter country code (string)
  • protocolVersion: Protocol version (string)
  • messageType: Message type (string)
  • latitude: Latitude in degrees (number)
  • longitude: Longitude in degrees (number)
  • quadTree: QuadTree (string)


  • header: Header (object)
    • protocolVersion: Protocol version (integer, default: 2)
    • messageId: Message identifier (integer, default: 1)
    • stationId: Station identifier (integer, default: 1234567)
  • management: Management (object)
    • actionId: Action identifier (integer, default: 1)
    • detectionTime: Detection time in ISO 8601 format (string, optional, default: current time)
    • referenceTime: Reference time in ISO 8601 format (string, optional, default: current time)
    • stationType: Station type (integer, default: 3)
    • eventPosition: Event position (object)
      • latitude: Latitude in degrees (number, default: 0)
      • longitude: Longitude in degrees (number, default: 0)
      • altitude: Altitude in meters (number, default: 0)
  • situation: Situation (object)
    • informationQuality: Information quality (integer, default: 0)
    • causeCode: Cause code (integer, default: 1)
    • subCauseCode: Sub cause code (integer, default: 0)

Optional fields:

Header/Application properties:

  • shardId: Shard identifier (integer, default: 1) Mandatory if sharding is enabled in capability
  • shardCount: Shard count (integer, default: 1) Mandatory if sharding is enabled in capability


The service also provides a WebSocket endpoint for sending DENM messages to the AMQP broker. The WebSocket endpoint is available at ws://localhost:8081/ws.

Configure a local AMQP broker for development

You can use Apache ActiveMQ Artemis as a local AMQP broker for development. This can be started inside the dev container.

Create a directory to save the broker configuration locally

$ mkdir -p /workspace/AZ-V2X/activeMQ/config
# Make the directory writable by the container
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /workspace/AZ-V2X/activeMQ/config

Run the broker

$ docker run --detach -it --name artemisbroker \
    -p 61616:61616 -p 8161:8161 -p 5672:5672 \
    -v /workspace/AZ-V2X/activeMQ/config:/var/lib/artemis-instance \

Turn off security for easier testing

$ docker exec -it artemisbroker /bin/bash
$ cd etc
$ vi broker.xml

# Set the following security-enabled setting to false in broker.xml

# Restart the container
$ exit
$ docker restart artemisbroker

You can log in to the artemis container with:

docker exec -it artemisbroker /var/lib/artemis-instance/bin/artemis shell --user artemis --password artemis

Add a guest user

user add
# follow the prompts to add the user


Module for receiving and sending ETSI V2X over AMQP






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