This README walks you through provisioning a multi-node HashiCorp Vault cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine.
- High Availability - The Vault cluster will be provisioned in multi-server mode for high availability.
- Google Cloud Storage Storage Backend - Vault's data is persisted in Google Cloud Storage.
- Production Hardening - Vault is configured and deployed based on the guidance found in the production hardening guide.
- Auto Initialization and Unsealing - Vault is automatically initialized and unsealed at runtime. Keys are encrypted using Cloud KMS and stored on Google Cloud Storage. The unsealing mechanism is done through a sidecar service that routinely checks Vault instances and applies the unseal keys if needed.
First set your Project ID as an environment variable:
Enable the following GCP APIs:
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \ \ \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
In this section you will create a Cloud KMS keyring and cryptographic key suitable for encrypting and decrypting Vault master keys and root tokens.
Create the vault
kms keyring:
gcloud kms keyrings create vault \
--location global \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
Create the vault-init
encryption key:
gcloud kms keys create vault-init \
--location global \
--keyring vault \
--purpose encryption \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
Google Cloud Storage is used to persist Vault's data and hold encrypted Vault master keys and root tokens.
Create a GCS bucket:
gsutil mb -p ${PROJECT_ID} gs://${GCS_BUCKET_NAME}
An IAM service account is used by Vault to access the GCS bucket and KMS encryption key created in the previous sections.
Create the vault
service account:
gcloud iam service-accounts create vault-server \
--display-name "vault service account" \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
Grant access to the vault storage bucket:
gsutil iam ch \
serviceAccount:vault-server@${PROJECT_ID} \
gsutil iam ch \
serviceAccount:vault-server@${PROJECT_ID} \
Grant access to the vault-init
KMS encryption key:
gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding \
vault-init \
--location global \
--keyring vault \
--member serviceAccount:vault-server@${PROJECT_ID} \
--role roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
In this section you will provision a three node Kubernetes cluster using Google Kubernetes Engine with access to the vault-server
service account across the entire cluster.
Create the vault
Kubernetes cluster:
gcloud container clusters create vault \
--enable-autorepair \
--machine-type e2-standard-2 \
--service-account vault-server@${PROJECT_ID} \
--num-nodes 3 \
--zone ${COMPUTE_ZONE} \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
Warning: Each node in the
Kubernetes cluster has access to thevault-server
service account. Thevault
cluster should only be used for running Vault. Other workloads should run on a different cluster and access Vault through an internal or external load balancer.
In this section you will create a public IP address that will be used to expose the Vault server to external clients.
Create the vault
compute address:
gcloud compute addresses create vault \
--region ${COMPUTE_REGION} \
--project ${PROJECT_ID}
Store the vault
compute address in an environment variable:
VAULT_LOAD_BALANCER_IP=$(gcloud compute addresses describe vault \
--region ${COMPUTE_REGION} \
--project ${PROJECT_ID} \
In this section you will generate the self-signed TLS certificates used to secure communication between Vault clients and servers.
Create a Certificate Authority:
cfssl gencert -initca ca-csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca
Generate the Vault TLS certificates:
cfssl gencert \
-ca=ca.pem \
-ca-key=ca-key.pem \
-config=ca-config.json \
-hostname="vault,vault.default.svc.cluster.local,localhost,,${VAULT_LOAD_BALANCER_IP}" \
-profile=default \
vault-csr.json | cfssljson -bare vault
In this section you will deploy the multi-node Vault cluster using a collection of Kubernetes and application configuration files.
Create the vault
secret to hold the Vault TLS certificates:
cat vault.pem ca.pem > vault-combined.pem
kubectl create secret generic vault \
--from-file=ca.pem \
--from-file=vault.pem=vault-combined.pem \
The vault
configmap holds the Google Cloud Platform settings required bootstrap the Vault cluster.
Create the vault
kubectl create configmap vault \
--from-literal api-addr=https://${VAULT_LOAD_BALANCER_IP}:8200 \
--from-literal gcs-bucket-name=${GCS_BUCKET_NAME} \
--from-literal kms-key-id=${KMS_KEY_ID}
In this section you will create the vault
statefulset used to provision and manage two Vault server instances.
Create the vault
kubectl apply -f vault.yaml
service "vault" created
statefulset "vault" created
At this point the multi-node cluster is up and running:
kubectl get pods
In a typical deployment Vault must be initialized and unsealed before it can be used. In our deployment we are using the vault-init container to automate the initialization and unseal steps.
kubectl logs vault-0 -c vault-init
The vault-init
container runs every 10 seconds and ensures each vault instance is automatically unsealed.
A readiness probe is used to ensure Vault instances are not routed traffic when they are sealed.
Sealed Vault instances do not forward or redirect clients even in HA setups.
In this section you will expose the Vault cluster using an external network load balancer.
Generate the vault
service configuration:
cat > vault-load-balancer.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: vault-load-balancer
type: LoadBalancer
- name: http
port: 8200
- name: server
port: 8201
app: vault
Create the vault-load-balancer
kubectl apply -f vault-load-balancer.yaml
Wait until the EXTERNAL-IP
is populated:
kubectl get svc vault-load-balancer
vault-load-balancer LoadBalancer XX.XX.XXX.XXX <pending> 8200:31805/TCP,8201:32754/TCP
Source the vault.env
script to configure the vault CLI to use the Vault cluster via the external load balancer:
source vault.env
Get the status of the Vault cluster:
vault status
Download and decrypt the root token:
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(gsutil cat gs://${GCS_BUCKET_NAME}/root-token.enc | \
base64 --decode | \
gcloud kms decrypt \
--project ${PROJECT_ID} \
--location global \
--keyring vault \
--key vault-init \
--ciphertext-file - \
--plaintext-file -
The following examples assume Vault 0.11 or later.
vault secrets enable -version=2 kv
vault kv enable-versioning secret/
vault kv put secret/my-secret my-value=s3cr3t
vault kv get secret/my-secret