This Python script simulates fluid dynamics using a grid-based method. It uses the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid motion and the advection-diffusion equation for density.
- Python 3.x
- NumPy
- Matplotlib
- IPywidgets
Install the required libraries if you haven't already:
pip install numpy matplotlib ipywidgets
Download the Python script
. -
Run the script using Python:
Once the script is running, an interactive widget will appear. Adjust the viscosity and diffusion parameters using the sliders to observe different fluid behaviors.
The script initializes parameters such as grid size, time step, diffusion, and viscosity.
It defines functions for initializing grids, setting boundaries, solving linear equations, and simulating diffusion, advection, and projection.
function is called in each animation frame to update the density and velocity fields based on the current parameters. -
The simulation is visualized using Matplotlib with density and velocity grids displayed in separate subplots.
The interactive widget allows users to adjust viscosity and diffusion parameters in real-time to observe their effects on the fluid simulation.
The figure title is set to "Fluid Simulation" to provide a clear visualization window.