This is a copy of the Prisma APP. Reproduce Prisma custom camera, image picker and picture editor
a universal iOS Game using Swift and iOS SpriteKit
[Moved to MavenCentral] An Android library that takes the standard toast to the next level with many styling options. Works on all Android versions.
A android view which can add sticker and zoom,drag,delete it 贴纸 文字
An Android Application that has camera filters.
金山云Android采集推流SDK(Livestream SDK),支持内置/自定义美颜(Beauty Filter)、美声(Beauty Voice)、软硬编(Software/Hardware Encoder) 、网络自适应(Network Auto Adapt)、混音(Voice Mixer)、混响(Reverb)、画中画(PIP)、连麦(RTC)、动态贴纸(Sticker)、大眼瘦脸…
The source for the Firebase codelab for building a cross-platform chat app
Real-time Chat powered by Firebase
A sample app for Android that demonstrates the capabilities of the Wowza GoCoder™ SDK.
📷 Instagram Bot - Tool for automated Instagram interactions
[deprecated] Python library for building bots that live on Snapchat
宝宝特效Demo通过短视频SDK、直播SDK轻松实现特效与视频剪辑,为用户提供特效相机,拍摄辅助,自动美颜相机,抖音滤镜、直播礼物、直播贴纸等,超低占用空间,十秒大型场景仅100KB+, 精准人脸识别、人脸跟踪,支持3D特效,3D动画特效,2D特效、动画渲染、特效渲染等, visual effects IOS demo, support 3D effect, 3D Animation, 2D…
Real-time FaceSwap application built with OpenCV and dlib
Messenger Platform samples for sending and receiving messages. Walk through the Get Started with this code.
Source code of the official F8 app of 2017, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects.
A simple web-based 3D layer visualizer (useful for visualizing material UIs and other things involving depth/shadows)
😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
IRecyclerView is a custom RecyclerView that supports pull-to-refresh, pull-to-loadmore, customize refresh header and loadmore footer, add header views and footer views.
A reusable pull-to-refresh and pull-to-loadmore widget