A blockchain based provenance platform for achieving transparency in supply chains by revealing the journey of products through their lifetime
Provchain establishes a provenance knowledge framework and uses it to enhance assurances and reduce perceived risks in product supplychains. The goal of Provchain is to implement a decentralized supply chain tracking platform which ensures end-to-end product tracing. This is done while incurring minimum costs of implementation as well causing no disruptions to the supply chains in which it is integrated.
- Ganache
- Metamask
Open Ganache desktop application and import the test accounts for each participant to Metamask. Compile and migrate the contracts to the local Ethereum network in Ganache by using
truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset
The website will run, by default, on localhost:3000
- Truffle Suite
- web3js
- Ganache - Used as local blockchain
- Metamask - web3.js client for browser
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details