Indian Women in computing & technology IWICT is an official chapter of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology (Systers) and is dedicated to supporting Indian women in technology and connecting them with women technologists across the globe. Our Mission is to support, inspire, retain, encourage collaboration among, increase visibility of and help elevate the status of India women in technology, and help them to achieve their career goals.
Action Items for first timers:-
- Join our mailing list
- get active on the mailing list by sharing relevant topics, opportunities, information
- connect with us on Linkedin
- connect with us on Facebook
Projects we want to take up (and need volunteers to lead these efforts)
- Mentor : Develop a mentoring program to support Indian women in computing (academics, entrepreneurs, and women in industry).
- Foster FOSS: Do webinars where IWICT memebers can share their FOSS involvement experience
- Give Back : Hear how IWICT members have paid forward and get inspired
- Career coaching : Many of us can use that little push to aspire+reach the next level and may of us can help pull others up
- Fund-raise: Fund raise for scholarships for studies and conferences, awards to promote and support India women in computing& technology at all levels.
- Publish: Publish newsletters, blogs with inspirational stories, job opportunities, Conference and Scholarship information.
- Re-entry: Help other IWICT re-enter the workforce after marraige, kids, visa-relate break etc.
- Meetups+Socials: Organise meetups/socials to connect not only virtually but also face to face.
Want to help?? sign up in the volunteer section