I am a mern stack developer. I am enjoy working with include react, javaScript, Express js, MongoDB, firebase, HTML, CSS, Tailwind. Specialized on Font-End, know backend basic.
Skills: react / js / Express js / MongoDB / firebase / HTML / CSS / Tailwind.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning React
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on github
- 💬 Ask me about Web Development
live link: https://technology-and-electronics-client-weld.vercel.app/
client-side code: https://github.com/Rajib4375/technology-and-electronics-client
server-side code: https://github.com/Rajib4375/technology-and-electronics-server
live link: https://career-hub-a2f08.web.app/
client-side code: https://github.com/Rajib4375/b8a11-client-side-Rajib4375
server-side code: https://github.com/Rajib4375/b8a11-server-side-Rajib4375
- Live Site Link: https://student-hostel-management.web.app/
- Client Side Github Repository Link: https://github.com/Rajib4375/hostel-management-client
- Server Side Github Repository Link: https://github.com/Rajib4375/hostel-management-server