This is a solution to the Personal finance app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
- [] user authentication
- [] See all of the personal finance app data at-a-glance on the overview page
- [] View all transactions on the transactions page with pagination for every ten transactions
- [] Search, sort, and filter transactions
- [] Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) budgets and saving pots
- [] View the latest three transactions for each budget category created
- [] View progress towards each pot
- [] Add money to and withdraw money from pots
- [] View recurring bills and the status of each for the current month
- [] Search and sort recurring bills
- [] Receive validation messages if required form fields aren't completed
- [] Navigate the whole app and perform all actions using only their keyboard
- [] View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- Clone repository
git clone [email protected]:Raphico/personal-finance-app.git
cd personal-finance-app
- Install dependencies
pnpm install
- setup env
- start development server
pnpm run dev
Licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.