GCC, G++
OS: Ubuntu 10.04 (tested) / Ubuntu 12.04 (tested) / Ubuntu 14.04 (tested) /CentOS 6.8 (tested)
CUDA Toolkit: Version 6.5
This package are required: build-essential gcc-4.4 autotools-dev automake libtool mesa-common-dev git
Clone the GVirtuS main repository
In the directory “GVirtuS” there are three directories named “gvirtus”, “gvirtus.cudart” and "gvirtus.cudadr".
“gvirtus” contains the framework.
“gvirtus.cudart” and "gvirtus.cudadr" contains the cuda runtime plugin and the cuda driver plugin.
Launch the installer script indicating the destination folder of the installation (es. "/home/rapid/opt"):
./gvirtus-installer "GVIRTUS_PATH"
To check your installation please check the following directories:
Check GVIRTUS_PATH/lib for frontend and backend directories
On the remote machine where the cuda executables will be executed
Modify the Gvirtus configuration file backend if the default port 9991 is occuped or the machine is remote:
# gVirtuS config file
# Communicator
# AfUnix: afunix://path:mode
# Shm: shm://
# Tcp: tcp://hostname:port
# VMShm: vmshm://hostname:port
communicator : tcp://localhost:9991 #change localhost with remote host if necessary
plugins : cudart, cudadr
# End Of File
Export the dynamic CUDA library:(typically /usr/local/cuda/lib64)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”<CUDA_PATH>/lib64”
Execute application server gvirtus-backend with follow command:
Modify the Gvirtus configuration file frontend:
# gVirtuS config file
# Communicator
# AfUnix: afunix://path:mode
# Shm: shm://
# Tcp: tcp://hostname:port
# VMShm: vmshm://hostname:port
communicator : tcp://localhost:9991 #change localhost with the host of backend machine if necessary
plugins : cudart, cudadr
# End Of File
NOTE: In the local configuration GvirtuS Backend and Frontend share the same configuration files.
Export the dynamic GVirtuS library:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=GVIRTUS_PATH/gvirtus/lib/frontend
execute the cuda application compiled with cuda dynamic library (with -lcuda -lcudart)