Explore the geographical and time trends for population ageing in Portugal and the rest of Europe
The objective is to look at the geographical and time trends in the data. We will answer the following questions:
- What are the time trends for Portugal?
- How does Portugal compare to other European countries?
- Which countries have the eldest population in Europe by year?
% of total population who are aged 65 and over
online data code: TPS00028 Source of data: Eurostat Last data update: 03/07/2020 22:00 (5 months ago) Last structure update: 03/07/2020 Overall data coverage: 2008 — 2019 Number of values: 592
source link: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/tps00028/default/table?lang=en The source dataset for TPS00028 is: DEMO_PJANIND https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/product/view/DEMO_PJANIND
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