This project is a remake of the famous game Navy.
Both players decide of where there ships are located on a board (in a .txt file).
Then both of them spar by deciding one after another where they are going to attack until one of them eventually destroy all of the ennemies ship.
Just clone the repo then use Make to compile the game and finally launch the binary with ./navy. To get information about the game use the :
./navy -h
The game work by using Sigaction to send data between the two program.
The Data is made of 8 characters in binary (1 byte).
Each Byte value are stored in an array to let the program understand which bytes is equal to which character.
Some others values like the "Missed" or "Hitted" ones are stored in a .h . 👨🏽💻
- Edgar Dion 🐈
- Alessandro Tano 🥱