A simple program for fast tilting electron-beam sensitive crystals to zone axes.
To start with, users should download and run the latest 'Zones.exe' in a windows system.
'example_experiment.rar' contains necessary data files of the example shown in the manual. The ‘LTA_inputfile.txt' is an important hkl file, and it contains structure information of the sample.
'experiment_data.txt' records the double-tilt holder position of each pattern. 'image4.tif' is the SAED pattern taken at the beginning of the experiment, and shall be determined as [113] zone by the program. 'image7.tif' is the pattern of tilting to the [001] zone based on the calculation of the program. 'image8.tif' is a slightly tilted version of image7 by the Laue circle refinement function of the program.
For more information, please download and read the 'manual for Zones'.