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Overkill Todo - Project instructions

Our fantastic product owner has a wonderful, amazing and revolutionary idea... he wants to build a new Todo application. He has a pretty accurate vision of what he wants, and so comes with a backlog containing the following user stories:

User stories

1: List my TODOs


As a user I would like to list my current todos

Acceptance criterias:

  • Each todo has, at minimal, a related state and title
  • Some hard-coded todos are initialized in this context for demonstration purpose

2: Change a TODO state


As a user I would like to change a todo state by checking a "box"

Acceptance criteria:

  • When I toggle a checkbox displayed beside todo's title, I toggle todo's state (done / undone)
  • When a todo is done, it is placed at the bottom of the list, and displayed "crossed out"

3: Detail a TODO


As a user I would like to display one of my todo in a separate or dedicated view. This todo will contain its title and a description (which is a new information not shown in the previous view).

Acceptance criteria:

  • I can click on a todo (by any way) to access the "detail" view of corresponding todo
  • The todo can be accessed via a unique URL

4: Add a new TODO


As a user I would like to add a new todo in my list

Acceptance criteria:

  • The todo's title is required
  • The todo's description can be empty
  • The newly created todo is added on top of the todos list
  • You are free to choose the design / interaction

Technical environment

You're working in the WebFactory team, which provides the following technical guidelines:

  • The application should be based on Angular Framework
  • The project should rely on NgRx for state management
  • To keep the UI simple, the use of Material components is highly recommended (
  • Code quality is very important, so all the code has to be covered by unit tests
  • Each user story should be realized in its own commit on master
  • The product owner is curious and likes to read the application code on Github and test it via Github Pages
  • The application should have a mocked backend and store all todos on it (with in-memory-web-api for example)


You can add any new functionality in this wonderful project if you want to, in order to satisfy your PO 😉