- Los Angeles, CA
App to transfer your spotify playlists to Google Play Music
💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!
A node module to control your yamaha receiver
Automatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
Atom's documentation parser for JavaScript / CoffeeScript
CSVs are awesome, yet they're pretty dumb. Let's get them smarter!
Clojure like language which compiles down to VimL
Access local servers on .dev domains (ruined by Google)
Bayes classification applied to code, with strange technology choices
An Android app that allows the Fedora community to interact with Fedora's web apps on the go.
clj-time / clj-time
Forked from KirinDave/clj-timeA date and time library for Clojure, wrapping the Joda Time library.
A simple, cron and future inspired scheduling library for clojure
On-the-fly evaluation/substitution of emacs lisp code
💀 The former home of Homebrew/homebrew (deprecated)
HTML transformation/templating for people who do that sort of thing and stuff
Compact macOS Pandora client that doesn’t use Flash