Mama - A modular C++ build tool even your mama can use
The main goal of this project is to provide extremely convenient in-source builds
for cross platform projects. Building is as simple as mama build windows
- no ceremony~!
CMake projects with trivial configurations and no dependencies can be handled automatically by Mama. This makes header-only libraries or stand-alone C libraries extremely easy to link.
Adding projects with already configured
is trivial and allows you to manage
large scale projects in a modular way. Dependencies are added and configured through mamafiles.
Each mama build target exports CMake ${ProjectName}_INCLUDES
and ${ProjectName}_LIBS
. All exports
are gathered in correct linker order inside MAMA_INCLUDES
. This ensures the least
amount of friction for developers - everything just works.
There is no central package repository, all packages are pulled and updated from public or private git repositories. Package versioning is done through git tags or branches.
Custom build systems are also supported. For additional documentation explore:
Anyone who develops cross-platform C++ libraries or applications which target any combination of [Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, Raspberry, Oclea, MIPS]. And anyone who is not satisfied with system-wide dependencies and linker bugs caused by incompatible system-wide libraries on Linux.
If you require an easy to use, reproducible project/namespace scoped package+build system, this is for you.
Your builds will not rely on hard to setup system packages, all you need to do is type mama build
- Windows (64-bit x86_64, 32-bit x86, 64-bit arm64, 32-bit armv7) default is latest MSVC
- Linux (Ubuntu) (64-bit x86_64, 32-bit x86) both GCC and Clang
- MacOS (64-bit x86_64, 64-bit arm64) via config.macos_version
- iOS (64-bit arm64) via config.ios_version
- Android (64-bit arm64, 32-bit armv7) via env ANDROID_NDK_HOME or ANDROID_HOME
- Raspberry (32-bit armv7) via env RASPI_HOME
- Oclea (64-bit arm64) via config.set_oclea_toolchain()
- MIPS (mips mipsel, mips64, mips64el) via config.set_mips_toolchain()
Single platform projects with platform specific build configuration and system wide dependency management such as Linux exclusive G++ projects using apt-get libraries or iOS-only apps using cocoapods.
Provides a mechanism to upload pre-built packages to a private artifactory server through mama upload mypackage
. These packages will be automatically used if a git:package commit hash matches.
- Get python 3.6 and PIP
$ pip install mama --upgrade
$ cd yourproject
$ mama init
which creates
and patches your CMakeLists.txt- (optional) Manual setup: Create your own
(examples below) and add this to your CMakeLists.txt:
target_link_libraries(YourProject PRIVATE ${MAMA_LIBS})
$ mama build
and enjoy!$ mama open
to open your project in an IDE / VSCode
mama init Initialize a new project. Tries to create and CMakeLists.txt
mama build Update and build main project only. This only clones, but does not update!
mama build x86 opencv Cross compile build target opencv to x86 architecture
mama build android Cross compile to arm64 android NDK
mama build android-26 arm Cross compile to armv7 android NDK API level 26
mama update Update all dependencies by doing git pull and build.
mama clean Cleans main project only.
mama clean x86 opencv Cleans main project only.
mama clean all Cleans EVERYTHING in the dependency chain for current arch.
mama rebuild Cleans, update and build main project only.
mama build dep1 Update and build dep1 only.
mama update dep1 Update and build the specified target.
mama serve android Update, build and deploy for Android
mama wipe dep1 Wipe target dependency completely and clone again.
mama upload dep1 Deploys and uploads dependency to Artifactory server.
mama test Run tests on main project.
mama test=arg Run tests on main project with an argument.
mama test="arg1 arg2" Run tests on main project with multiple arguments.
mama test dep1 Run tests on target dependency project.
mama dep1 start=dbtool Call target project mamafile start() with args [`dbtool`].
Call mama help
for more usage information.
Project AlphaGL/
import mama
class AlphaGL(mama.BuildTarget):
# where to build intermediates
workspace = 'build' # for system-wide workspace, use: global_workspace = 'mycompany'
# grab dependencies straight from git repositories
# if the projects are trivial, then no extra configuration is needed
def dependencies(self):
# set artifactory package server for prebuilt packages
# the credentials can be configured by env vars for CI, call `mama help`
self.set_artifactory_ftp('', auth='store')
# add packages
self.add_git('ReCpp', '', branch='master')
self.add_git('libpng', '')
self.add_git('libjpeg', '')
self.add_git('glfw', '')
# add local packages from existing directory root:
self.add_local('utils', 'libs/utils')
# add a prebuilt package, use `mama upload myproject` to generate these:
self.add_artifactory_pkg('opencv', version='df76b66')
if self.linux: # or do it conditionally for linux only:
self.add_artifactory_pkg('opencv', fullname='opencv-linux-x64-release-df76b66')
# optional: customize package exports if repository doesn't have `include` or `src`
def package(self):
self.export_libs('.', ['.lib', '.a']) # export any .lib or .a from build folder
self.export_includes(['AGL']) # export AGL as include from source folder
# platform specific system library exports:
if self.ios: self.export_syslib('-framework OpenGLES')
if self.macos: self.export_syslib('-framework OpenGL')
if self.linux: self.export_syslib('GL')
def test(self, args):
self.gdb(f'bin/AlphaGLTests {args}')
If a dependency is non-trivial (it has dependencies and configuration),
you can simply place a target mamafile at: mama/{DependencyName}.py
Example dependency config AlphaGL/mama/
import mama
class libpng_static(mama.BuildTarget):
def dependencies(self):
# custom mamafile can be passed explicitly:
self.add_git('zlib', '', mamafile='')
def configure(self):
zinclude, zlibrary = self.get_target_products('zlib')
self.add_cmake_options('BUILD_SHARED_LIB=NO', 'PNG_TESTS=NO')
def package(self):
# libpng builds its stuff into `{build}/lib`
self.export_libs('lib', ['.lib', '.a'])
# export installed include path from build dir
self.export_include('include', build_dir=True)
$ mama build
========= Mama Build Tool ==========
- Target FaceOne BUILD [root target]
- Target dlib OK
- Target CppGuid OK
- Target opencv OK
- Target ReCpp OK
- Target NanoMesh OK
- Package ReCpp
<I> build/ReCpp/ReCpp
[L] build/ReCpp/windows/RelWithDebInfo/ReCpp.lib
- Package opencv
<I> build/opencv/windows/include
[L] build/opencv/windows/lib/Release/opencv_xphoto342.lib
[L] build/opencv/windows/lib/Release/opencv_features2d342.lib
[L] build/opencv/windows/lib/Release/opencv_imgcodecs342.lib
[L] build/opencv/windows/lib/Release/opencv_imgproc342.lib
[L] build/opencv/windows/lib/Release/opencv_core342.lib
[L] build/opencv/windows/3rdparty/lib/Release/libjpeg-turbo.lib
[L] build/opencv/windows/3rdparty/lib/Release/libpng.lib
[L] build/opencv/windows/3rdparty/lib/Release/zlib.lib
- Package dlib
<I> build/dlib/windows/include
[L] build/dlib/windows/lib/dlib19.15.99_relwithdebinfo_64bit_msvc1914.lib
- Package NanoMesh
<I> build/NanoMesh/NanoMesh
[L] build/NanoMesh/windows/RelWithDebInfo/NanoMesh.lib
- Package CppGuid
<I> build/CppGuid/CppGuid/include
[L] build/CppGuid/windows/RelWithDebInfo/CppGuid.lib
- Package FaceOne
<I> include
[L] bin/FaceOne.dll
[L] bin/FaceOne.lib
def dependencies(self):
self.set_artifactory_ftp('', auth='store')
self.add_git('googletest', '[email protected]:RedFox20/googletest.git')
$ mama upload googletest
========= Mama Build Tool ==========
- Package googletest
<I> myworkspace/googletest/linux/include
[L] myworkspace/googletest/linux/lib/libgmock.a
[L] myworkspace/googletest/linux/lib/libgtest.a
- PAPA Deploy /home/XXX/myworkspace/googletest/linux/deploy/googletest
I (googletest) include
L (googletest) libgmock.a
L (googletest) libgtest.a
PAPA Deployed: 1 includes, 2 libs, 0 syslibs, 0 assets
- PAPA Upload googletest-linux-x64-release-ebb36f3 770.6KB
|==================================================>| 100 %
And then rebuilding with an artifactory package available
$ mama rebuild googletest
========= Mama Build Tool ==========
- Target googletest CLEAN linux
- Target googletest BUILD [cleaned target]
Artifactory fetch 770.6KB
|<==================================================| 100 %
Artifactory unzip googletest-linux-x64-release-ebb36f3
- Package googletest
<I> myworkspace/googletest/linux/include
[L] myworkspace/googletest/linux/libgmock.a
[L] myworkspace/googletest/linux/libgtest.a
We are open for any improvements and feedback via pull requests.
The package setuptools>=65.0
is required, ensure the version is correct with pip3 show setuptools
You can set up local development with $ pip3 install -e . --no-cache-dir
but make sure you have latest setuptools (>65.0) and latest pip3 (>22.3). This command will fail with older toolkits.
Uploading a source distributionP:
- Get dependencies:
pip3 install build twine
- Build sdist:
python -m build
- Upload with twine:
twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
It will prompt for Username and Password, unless you set up ~/.pypirc file:
index-servers = pypi
Quick build & upload using Python 3.9: ./