1- Go to: https://discord.com/developers/applications
2- Click "New Application" and give your bot a name
3- Click "Bot" under settings in the left side of the screen
4- Click "Add Bot", then click "Yes, do it!"
(If you want the token of yout bot, click "Copy" under "TOKEN")
5- To add the bot to your server, click "OAuth2" under settings
6- Select "bot" under "SCOPES" and click "Copy" on the bottom right
7- Now paste the link you copied in your browser, select the server then click "Authorize"
Your bot is now ready.
1- Install discord.py pip install discord.py
2- Install selenium pip install selenium
4- Go to: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
3- Select chromedriver with the same version as Google Chrome
4- Download "chromedriver_win32.zip"
5- Extract "chromedriver.exe" and put it next to discordbot.py
You are now ready to use the script
Replace 'BOT TOKEN HERE' with your bot's token (while keeping '') and execute the script. Wait until python prints "Logged on as <bot name>" and then your bot will start answering messages sent to the server and DMs as well.