Hey there! Thanks for checking out my scripting foo.
Here is an overview of the stuff I made for the StreamLabs Chatbot. Give feedback, request features or improve/change things yourself :)
This catches phrases (get it? -.- ) or keywords you can define via regular expressions and sends the defined responses to chat.
The syntax for the config file looks like this:
/.*[wW].*[oO].*[wW].*/ "WOW"
You can also set custom permissions and cooldowns for each regex. The settings from the UI are used as defaults, in case no specifics were given.
It is also possible to use $parameters
. Currently $username
and $message
are supported.
The regular expressions can also be used for auto modding.
For example:
/\(\s*\.\s*([yY]|\)\s*\()\s*\.\s*\)/ 0 everyone "/timeout $username 600 rekt by regex for $message"
And here is a screenshot of the UI in the bot.
A simple script that allows people to whisper the bot for TextToSpeech. It uses the built in Windows TTS engine and voices by default. Support for the full version of the Speech2Go app is also available.
This script is alternative to the normal shoutout command. What makes this special is the ability to define custom responses based on the shoutout target.
It also comes with an overlay which shows the targets user image and the defined blurb. It's simple HTML that can be animated with CSS in OBS's browser source settings, for example.
If you like seeing people's pets and don't want to miss any in chat, this is the thing for you! This gives folks a chat command that collects the links and displays them on a simple website, so you can go through them when the time is right.
If you are to busy to open all those links yourself, you can make your mods do all the work for you with remote control through whispers.
Although basic functionality is working, this is still under construction.
It's a simple donation bar, but it combines StreamLabs donations and Cheers in your channel to go towards a common goal.
In development.
A simple queue that shows you a list of people saying hi to you.
Can be filtered by keywords, emotes and user level.
In early development.
Keeps track of channel you raid/host and channels that raid/host you. You can also add channels manually.
The website shows you a quick overview of the channels that raided/hosted you and that you raided/hosted. The list is sorted in reverse order of the last channel you hosted. It also shows who is currently online and what they are streaming.
Screenshot of the current UI with example data.