Bare metal emulators and launcher for retroflag GPI v1
Bare metal environment provided by the circle-stdlib project.
Your GPi Case must be in "Hat" input mode for correct operation.
If you're not able to navigate menus, set the input mode by holding Up on the D-Pad and Select for around five seconds, until the power LED flashes purple. Depending on your exact model of GPi Case, you may need to hold Up and Start instead.
1st follow setup instructions for circle-stdlib, see
You should now have a toolchain and circle-stdlib installed.
Generate environment variables below, these are used by the makefiles in the various projects.
Alter the values to match your local installation of circle-stdlib and the toolchain
export CIRCLE_STDLIB=/home/dave/Documents/projects/circle-stdlib
export CIRCLE_TOOLCHAIN=/home/dave/Toolchain/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi
Need to configure Circle lib, we need to enable some additional settings.
Update the following file
Need to increase max kernel size otherwise NES emulator will halt on startup
uncomment the following defines to enable PWM sound on the pi zero
and add a define for NO_USB_SOF_INTR - reduces USB overhead
Need to patch the libgloss io code to support file type properties in dirent.h.
Need to patch some of the USB code as well as circle struggles to init the USB fully.
See circle-patches folders
copy files to correct location
You should clean and rebuild circle-stdlib after this change
make clean
Delete assert.h - causes conflicts, doesn't appear to be required..not in my code anyway.
$(GPIEMU) = where ever you extracted the gpiemu repo to on your machine
Build Zlib
cd $(GPIEMU)/zlib123
make -f makefile.gpi clean
make -f makefile.gpi
make -f makefile.gpi install
Build libpng
cd $(GPIEMU)/lpng1626
make -f makefile.gpi clean
make -f makefile.gpi
make -f makefile.gpi install
Build GB emulator
cd $(GPIEMU)/DingooGB
make -f clean
make -f
Build GBC emulator
cd $(GPIEMU)/DingooGB
make -f makefile.gpi.gbc clean
make -f makefile.gpi.gbc
Build NES emulator
cd $(GPIEMU)/DingooNES
make -f makefile.gpi clean
make -f makefile.gpi