NBSMinecraft is an easy to use, asynchronous API for playing .nbs
music files. This library was made with the intention of offering a lightweight, platformless API to allow the use of note block music on as many Minecraft platforms as possible.
The project is focused on being platformless, so the majority of platforms can be supported. If you'd like to add native support for a platform to the library, feel free to make a pull request.
We current natively support:
Where can I find .nbs files?
- You can find a list of songs on OpenNBS's website https://noteblock.world/
Can I use .midi files?
- You can import .midi files to OpenNBS's Open Note Block Studio and then save them as .nbs files
What plugins use NBSMinecraft?
- If you would like to add your plugin to this list, please open a pull request!
You can add NBSMinecraft to your project by adding the below into your maven or gradle build file, replace {platform}
with the platform you would like to target, you can find a list of platforms here.
repositories {
maven { url = "https://repo.lushplugins.org/releases/" }
dependencies {
compileOnly "org.lushplugins.pluginupdater:NBSMinecraft-{platform}:1.0.0"
If you need help setting up the API or have any questions, feel free to join the LushPlugins discord server