Implementations of data structures, exercises, puzzles, problems and riddles.
Program.cs Written in C#. Contents:
Data structures
- Hash Table w/ open addressing resolution
- Heap
- Generic Queue
- Generic Stack
- Graph; matrix representation
- Trie
- Bubble sort
- Binary search (loop and recursive)
- Merge sort
- Quicksort
Other Functions, Riddles, Problems etc
- findMax: Find max element
- reverseString: Reverse a string (loop and recursive)
- uniqueChar: Unique string - answers if all strings chars are unique
- isPermutation: Is the other string a permutation
- multi: Recursive multiplication
- fibolichi: Fibonacci by loop
- BinaryGap: Finds the longest zero sequence of a (binary represented) number
- CyclicRotation: Shifts array to the right
- OddOccInArray: Finds value that occures odd number of times in an array
- Chips: Smallest integer that is missing from an int array
- solution: Insert '5' to a number so the new number will be the biggest possible