simple course registration system that tracks and facilitates the process of course registering for trainees
-courseCode: String of wo letters followed by two digits.
-weeklyTimeSlots: is a String of format: “DDD-S-E”, where D is an integer represent the
days number (1 to 5),ex: (135 means Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday), S is a digit
represents the session starting hour. E is a digit represents the session end hour.
-tuition: the charge of the course
-traineeNames: list of trainee names register the course.
-totalCourses: the total number of registered courses
A constructor that initializes all instance variables of the class:
- numeric data types are initialized to zero. Strings are initialized to null string (“”)
Course(String theCourseCode, String CTimeSlots, String CFinalExamDate, double CTuition):
Another constructor that initializes new course with the initial values from the user.
Setter methods (one for each):
sets values entered by the user for traineeNames.
Getter methods (one for each):
That returns the values of: That sets values entered by the user for: CourseCode, tuition, weeklyTimeSlots, FinalExamDate, traineeNames.
this method should display the information of a course.
Institution: This class represents the institute offering courses. It contains a list of courses, courses[] of size 20.
Add a new course:
This choice should enable the user to add a new course to the list of
courses in courses[]. The method should return true if the course is added successfully or
false otherwise. The course is added successfully if the course code is unique.
o Method name: addCourse o Method type: boolean o Formal parameters: courseCode, weeklyTimeSlots, finalExamDate, tuition)
Register a course:
o Method name: registerCourse
o Method type: boolean o Formal parameters: courseCode, traineeNameCancel course registration:
o Method name: cancelCourseRegisteration o Method type: boolean o Formal parameters: courseCode, traineeName
Find a course:
This choice enable the user to view a course information, given the course code. The method should return index of found course, -1 if not exist.
o Method name: findCourse o Method type: int o Formal parameters: courseCode
Find registered courses:
o Method name: findRegisteredCourses o Method type: course[] o Formal parameters: traineeName
This choice enable the user to view the information of all added courses
o Method name: printAll o Method type: void o Formal parameters: no formal parameters