The DevKit Module "Speedometer" displays your current speed. This module was created using Yeoman and it allows for rapidly getting started on new COBI.Bike projects. Part of a collection of Open Source modules for the COBI.Bike system.
Follow the steps below to download and get the speedometer module running on your computer.
First clone our repo to download source code. Need help?
Then install all dependencies using npm
npm install
npm start
Follow the instructions to install the Google Chrome Simulator and get familiar with the basics of module development on the COBI platform.
- Get inspired by our showcases on the COBI.Bike DevKit site
- Take a testride with one of our example modules in the COBI.Bike iOS app. Requires registration as a developer on
- Visit our Showtime Developer Forum for additional inspiration from the developer community
- Check out our open source modules
Read our Interface Guidelines to understand the unique challenges of developing software for bikes and to learn more about how the COBI.Bike system and modules work.
- Debugging Tips & Tricks
- Inspiration & Examples
- Interface Guidelines
- More DevKit Resources
- Other Tools & Resources
- Developer Forums
- COBI.Bike DevKit Chrome Extension on Chrome Web Store
- COBI.Bike DevKit Chrome Extension on Github
- COBI.Bike DevKit UI Components
This module uses Open Source components. You can find the source code of their open source projects along with license information below. We acknowledge and are grateful to these developers for their contributions to open source.
//TODO - Add info
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute to this project, the DevKit Simulator and the DevKit UI Components. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing.
Copyright © 2018 GmbH