🔭 I’m currently working on FanHero
🌱 I’m currently learning Serverless, AWS, NodeJS, NestJS, ReactJS, NextJS, TypeORM...
💬 Ask me about NodeJS & ReactJS
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://www.linkedin.com/in/renatosiqueira/
- Repo
- Stack: Node + ExpressJS + EJS + HTML/CSS + MongoDB (Atlas) + Mongoose + Axios
- Stack: NextJS + Tailwind + SWR + MomentJS + Google Spreadsheet (Integração com Google Spreadsheet)
- Repo
- Stack: Node + ExpressJS + EJS + BootstrapV5 + Firebase + Axios
- Repo
- Stack: NextJs + Tailwind + Google Apis (Integração com Google Calendar/ Google Spreadsheet)
- Repo
- Stack: NextJS + Tailwind + DateFNS + Google Apis (Integração com Google Calendar)
- Repo
- Stack: NextJS + Tailwind + SWR + MomentJS + Google Spreadsheet (Integração com Google Spreadsheet)
- Repo
- Stack: NextJS + Tailwind + SWR + MomentJS + Google Spreadsheet (Integração com Google Spreadsheet)
Caixa de Sugestões - PalpiteBox
- Repo
- Stack: NextJS + Tailwind + MomentJS + Google Spreadsheet (Integração com Google Spreadsheet)
- Stack: React + Surge + Algolia
- Repo
- Stack: React + Google Spreadsheet + Zeit
- Repo
- Stack: Nodejs + Express + EJS + Bulma + CI/CD + Axios + Jest + JQuery + Zeit
- Repo
- Stack: NodeJs + Express + EJS + Swagger + Chai + Mocha + Request + Docker + CI/CD + Axios
- Repo
- Stack: React + Axios + CI/CD + Netlify
- Repo
- Stack: NodeJs + Express + BcryptJs + JsonWebToken (Jwt) + Mongoose + Swagger + Chai + Mocha + Request + CI/CD + Heroku
- Access /docs to view swagger front
- Stack: React + Axios + Firebase + Styled-components + React-dom + Vercel