This directory provides the ability to compile and test code cross compiler using:
- GoogleTest
- Sanitizers (Linux only)
- Integration of clang-tidy and clang-format
- Doxygen Documentation generation
- Cross Compiling for ARM
- Verilog to C++ Compiler
Install and initialize on Ubuntu Linux Environment perform:
git submodule init
git submodule update
- To build - first create a build directory:
mkdir build
cd build
- For Native Linux Compile environment:
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" ..
cmake --build . --config Debug
For Clang Compile
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-18 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-18 ..
cmake --build . --config Debug
For Cross Compile using GCC, note that tests are automatically turned off for any cross-compiled code since many cross compiler devices are not setup to fully support GoogleTest.
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DBUILD_TEST=OFF -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchain/arm-gcc.toolchain.cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
For Cross Compile with CLANG
Work in Progress
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DBUILD_TEST=OFF -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchain/arm-clang.toolchain.cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
Code cleanup is performed with clang-tidy. Reporting of clang tidy results is performed with the compile. It is run if clang-tidy is installed and the STATIC_ANALYSIS=ON (default on for native builds, and off for cross compiled builds).
To clean-up the code automatically with CLANG_TIDY, you can modify the .clang-tidy file and then perform the following to fix any issues.
Not all issues are fixable by clang-tidy so some of the reported errors/warnings may need to be cleaned up manually.
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DCLANG_TIDY_FIX=1 ..
cmake --build . --config Debug
Tests are performed with googletest in the native platform (not via cross compile)
For Linux environment the following can be run:
cd build
cmake --build . --config Debug
cmake --build . --config Debug --target test
Performing ninja test
runs all of the unit tests under the CTest framework.
This will run all gtest TestTarget
executables one after another and give pass-fail per TestTarget
To perform an independent test and see the more detailed test results for each test suite, perform:
cd build
cmake --build . --config Debug
Once compiled each test resides in build/test/UnitTest_<target>
# Note must be run with GCC.
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" ..
# This will generate the code coverage directory.
cmake --build . --config Coverage --target code-coverage
# This will display the code coverage.
firefox code-coverage/index.html
All of the HTML output of code coverage resides in
For Clang Tidy - Just checks
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DSTATIC_ANALYSIS=ON -DUSE_CLANG_TIDY=ON ../.
cmake --build . --config Debug
- For Clang Tidy - Fixes
cd build
cmake --build . --config Debug
The sanitizer tests are only run with clang at the moment. No testing of GNU compiler and sanitizers is performed. Since these are dynamic sanitizers, it is suggested to disable static analysis for these specific tests to speed up the compile time exection.
First Configure the cmake build directory with clang and multi-config:
cd build
cmake -G"Ninja Multi-Config" -DSTATIC_ANALYSIS=OFF -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-18 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-18 ..
For Address Sanitizer - run on suite of tests:
cmake --build . --config Asan --target test
For Thread Sanitizer - run on suite of tests:
cmake --build . --config Tsan --target test
For Memory Sanitizer - run on suite of tests:
cmake --build . --config Msan --target test
For Undefined Behavior Sanitizer - run on suite of tests:
cmake --build . --config Ubsan --target test
For Control Flow Integrity Sanitizer - run on suite of tests:
cmake --build . --config Cfisan --target test
For Valgrind - run on suite of tests:
[] TODO: Haven't gotten this to run yet.
To create documentation perform the following:
cd build
cmake --build . --config Ubsan --target doc
ninja doc
# to view:
firefox doc/html/index.html
Be sure to check the warnings - missing definitions.
- WSL2
- Docker Desktop
- USB for WSL2 (usbipd-win) * How to setup USB with WSL2
- Authenticating to with personal access token
If you would like to use the provided docker images in this repo, you can by copying the External/.devcontainer
files into your project and modify accordingly.
Update VSCode to use clang-format: * Clang Format And configure to where clang-format is installed.
Only Done once to allow access. May need to perform periodically depending on when keys are set to expire.
Open Docker Desktop
and then open VSCode
Make Sure you have Docker Desktop
running in the background in Windows before you start running VSCode or any of the following steps.
Inside VSCode:
* Change to using WSL2 - Ctrl-Shift-P
and type WSL: Connect to WSL
if your default WSL image is one of the ones defined above, or WSL: Connect to WSL using Distro...
and select Ubuntu-22.04
* install Dev Containers This will allow the .devcontainer directory to automatically setup your docker images.
* Open up a Terminal - Navigate to Menu Terminal -> New Terminal
The container registry is currently using github
so some additional setup is necessary.
Using your github account perform the following to authenticate to the Container registry. Authenticating to the Container registry and Authenticating with a personal access token (classic)
When creating the Personal Access Token (PAT) - ensure it is a classic
and then under the checkboxes select ONLY : read:packages
for the token. This will give you the minimal access to that you require.
Make sure you run the following commands in the VSCode WSL2 terminal, as mentioned in the above Open up a terminal
docker logout
echo ${CR_PAT} | docker login -u <GitHub USERNAME> --password-stdin
You should then see:
> Login Succeeded
Selecting via VSCode you can use Ctrl-Shift-P
Type: CMake: Select Variant
to select the appropriate variant.
Once the appropriate variant is selected:
Type: CMake: Build
to build the project
Type: CMake: Run Test
to run the full suite of tests
See .github/publish_docker.yml
but for building and debugging locally:
cd docker/sw-dev
docker build .