All of my configs in one place
This Repository is made for personal needs, so it's only tested on Arch Linux. Also note that the customization of all apps is in early state and may have several changes in the future.
- Neovim
- I3wm
- Kitty
- Fish
- Polybar
- Flameshot
- Picom
- Dunst
- Rofi
List do Dependencies
- Stow
- Git
- Nvim
- Github
- Fish
- Oh My Fish
- Zen Browser
- Yazi
- Zoxide
- 7Zip
- I3
- Autotiling
- Polybar
- Picom
- Flameshot
- Cascadia Cove font
- Symbols Nerd Font Mono
- Zscroll
- Dunst
- Rofi Power Menu
- i3Lock
- xss Lock
- Yay
- texlive (group)
- Zathura
I started working on a install script to make things easier when formatting a machine. I didn't tested it yet. If it gives you problems open an issue.
- Zen Browser doesn't have a Rosé Pine theme yet, so use grub theme and stow to overwrite it's colors
- Set Rose Pine on Dark reader on Zen on dynamic mode
- Use Minimal theme for Obsidian and the option Rose Pine on Minimal Theme settings
- Use Rose Pine Theme for Vesktop
git clone ~/
cd ScarletFiles
- Stow may warn about conflicts, rename them as backups and run it again.
- How to use Stow:
- Nice Hyprland dotfiles: HyDE
- Firefox Customization: Shyfox
- Polybar Spotify Module
- Picom animations
- Most Wallpapers (I edited some of them)
- Nvim based of Neovim from scratch recommend following the playlist to learn how Nvim works
- App to change wallpaper color scheme Gowall
- Based my eww config on these repos: