Whatsapp web spammer Extension used in Google Chrome, Brave, and many more via Tampermonkey extension or can be used via injecting it in console through developer tool.
Click on Add to chrome.
Open Dashboard in it And click on "+" icon present at the left side of the installed script button.
Now open "https://github.com/Richaansh-bot/Whatsapp-Web-Spammer/blob/main/WhatsApp%20Web%20Spammer.user.js" in another tab
Copy .js code script from GitHub and paste it in tamper monkey column after clearing it.
Open Whatsapp Web And let's test it!
Go to any profile wherever you need to spam
Type Any text, number, emoji ....etc
Now you will see that the spam button(blue colored) is enabled at the right of the message box
Click on spam button and it will ask to enter time interval (In seconds) via pop-up or dialogue box enter time interval and click OK
Use Browsers ie. Brave & Google Chrome allows more access to websites via Extensions.
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