Code for model described in along with a sample dataset. Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions.
- Java 1.8
- mallet.jar
- See main() in lda.rtm/* to run different RTM extensions
- See main() in scc/ to identify strongly connected components in a given graph
Vocabuary: Each line denotes a word.
Corpus: Each line denotes a document in the following format
len w_0:f_0 w_1:f_1 w_2:f_2 ... w_i:f_i ... w_n:f_n
where len denotes the length of this document; w_i is the index of the i-th word in vocabulary; f_i is the frequency of w_i in this document. Zero-frequency words can be omitted.
- Links: Each line denotes an edge and contains two integers separated by a tab (\t).
- alphaSum (hyperparameter for document distribution over topics)
- regularization parameter c in * (usually set to 1.0)
- negEdge and negEdgeRatio (option for sampling negative edges and the ratio of #neg-edges to #pos-edges, recommend to apply them)
- The quality of clusters identified by strongly connected components may not be good when the graph is too dense/sparse. I'm working on a more robust model to solve this problem.
- Derivation of Gibbs sampling equation is available at
- Seed words are not applied because they don't make much difference according to further experiments.
If you use this code, please cite:
Title = {Birds of a Feather Linked Together: A Discriminative Topic Model using Link-based Priors},
Booktitle = {Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
Author = {Weiwei Yang and Jordan Boyd-Graber and Philip Resnik},
Year = {2015},
Location = {Lisbon, Portugal},