序号 | 会议简称 | 会议全称 | 出版社 | 级别 |
1 | ICCV | International Conference on Computer Vision | IEEE | A |
2 | CVPR | IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference | IEEE | A |
3 | AAAI | AAAI Conference on ArtificialIntelligence | AAAI | A |
4 | NeurIPS(文章较少) | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems | MIT Press | A |
5 | ACM MM | ACM International Conference on Multimedia | ACM | A |
6 | ECCV | European Conference on Computer Vision | Springer | B |
7 | ICASSP | IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing | IEEE | B |
8 | ICME | IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo | IEEE | B |
9 | ACCV | Asian Conference on Computer Vision | Springer | C |
10 | BMVC | British Machine Vision Conference | British Machine Vision Association | C |
11 | ICPR | International Conference on Pattern Recognition | IEEE | C |
12 | ICIP | IEEE International Conference on Image Processing | IEEE | C |
13 | PRCV | Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (中国模式识别与计算机视觉大会) | Springer | C |
序号 | 会议简称 | 会议全称 | 出版社 | 级别 |
1 | TPAMI | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and MachineIntelligence | IEEE | A |
2 | IJCV | International Journal of Computer Vision | Springer | A |
3 | AI | Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier | A |
4 | JMLR | Journal of Machine Learning Research | MIT Press | A |
5 | TIP | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | IEEE | A |
6 | TVCG | IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics | IEEE | A |
1 | TNNLS | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and learning systems | IEEE | B |
2 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | IEEE | B | |
3 | JAIR | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | AAAI | B |
4 | TMM | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | IEEE | B |
1 | SPL | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | IEEE | C |
2 | IET-IPR | IET Image Processing | IET | C |
3 | SIGPRO | Signal Processing | Elsevier | C |
4 | IET Signal Processing | IET | C | |
5 | IET-CVI | IET Computer Vision | IET | C |
6 | IVC | Image and Vision Computing | Elsevier | C |
7 | Soft Computing | Springer | C | |
8 | PRL | Pattern Recognition Letters | Elsevier | C |