To-Do List Application
The To-Do List Application is a simple yet efficient task management tool coded in Python. It offers a hassle-free way to organize your daily tasks, set due dates, mark tasks as completed, and maintain a clear overview of your to-do list.
Key Features:
Task Management: Easily create, modify, and remove tasks.
Due Dates: Assign due dates to tasks to keep track of deadlines.
Task Completion: Mark tasks as completed when finished.
Task Display: View your tasks with descriptions and due dates.
Data Persistence: Your task list is automatically saved and loaded from a JSON file, ensuring your tasks are safe even if you close the application.
How to Use:
Run the Python script to start the To-Do List Application.
Choose from various options:
Display tasks Add a new task Mark a task as completed Remove a task Quit the application Input task details, such as description and optional due date (format: YYYY-MM-DD), to add a new task.
Use the application to efficiently manage your daily tasks and never miss a deadline.
Why Use the To-Do List Application:
Simplify your task management process. Stay organized by tracking your to-do list. Manage deadlines with due date reminders. Ensure your tasks are always accessible and up-to-date. Project Implementation:
This To-Do List Application is coded in Python and utilizes JSON for data storage. The simple and user-friendly interface makes it suitable for users of all levels of technical expertise.