The official repo for [Neural Differential Appearance Equations, TOG (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024)]
Python wrapper for the OptiX 7 raytracing engine using Cython.
RayGauss: Volumetric Gaussian-Based Ray Casting for Photorealistic Novel View Synthesis
[TVCG2024] PGSR: Planar-based Gaussian Splatting for Efficient and High-Fidelity Surface Reconstruction
Code release for "3D reconstruction with fast dipole sums"
Original reference implementation of "3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering"
A Unified Framework for Surface Reconstruction
A collection of papers on neural field-based inverse rendering.
Third-person Survival Game for Unreal Engine (Sample Project)
A procedurally-generated horror escape game developed in Unreal Engine 4 and C++